Time To Say GoodBye

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Time To Say GoodBye

#1 Post by aroracer72 »

First off, id like to apologize for if ive ever acted like a teeneager...or said something stupid. This is real, and sincere. Its fairly long, but it a piece of my sole. Read and give me some feed back.

Well, its come to that time for me, unfortunately i wont be able to hold on to my dale. I know youve probably heard this before....but i truly dont want to do it. I live to race, and thats what holds me together, see i have depression, and without racing id not be able to survive. When some 1 says i cant race....or my dad says no racing this weekend...i feel like a close family member died, thats how much i love it. Too bad, i really wanted to give my part to the ATV community, and be one the people who makes it as big as other sports......like other things...i dont have the money to race or ride quads in general. I ride fast, faster than ALL people would think a 15 yr would, and unfortunately that takes a toll on my quad. Ive spent about 10 hours wrenching on my dale..and 15 hours riding it. Thats not the deal breaker, its the money that go's into those hours. Heim Joint ends, chains, sprockets, bearings, filters, and how much it costs to allow my quad to keep up with me. So far 0 years of racing quads has cost me more than my entire dirtbike racing career. It's time to make a sacrifice, and a hard one at that. If i was younger id whine and push my parents to keep me racing quads...but ive grown up...and relize that i cant have everything i want. This is probably the hardest thing ive decided..ever. It may sound like im unfaithful...or dont have enough heart, but thats not the case...you guys dont know what my home life is like, its horrible. And ii need to escape..not work even more, and wrench literally ALL the time to do so. Ill end up having a break down, and a 15 yr old shouldnt have to go thru that. Man, everytime i look at my dale...i smile........they are truly awesome..and special. Im only leaving my dale, but i will continue to participate and try to contribute to this site..and all dale owners..and quad owners. I love this atmosphere, just reminds me of having a ride with your freinds. ONly if some 1 would bilieve in me, all i needed was a little support, but none from parents...all they do is buy me my quad....and left it up to me...they wont even drive me to the track or trail....and i dont have a liscence(not 16). I shure wish i could stay in this sport..............i know i was to do something great. I have that "eye of the tiger, and spark" that some people talk about. I was the National BMX champion in 1996..and was to turn pro, but gave it up to race my first and only true love...MX. Just the feeling of flying 90 foot tripples...and hitting a nice berm...nothing like it. Even though ill still get that on dirtbikes, it wont be the same........im really upset, all i needed was a little nudge....fom some nice person..and id be set and accomplish what i could have, an GNC mx championship. This is no joke..i would have, and im not talking like a 15 yr old, this is from my sole. Thx for taking the time to read this, and hopefully this allows you to fight through the frustration of the labor involved.....i shure will miss this.........and please, this a sincere post, bo BS, no teenage BS, so dont poke fun at me, or call me a quiter, cause im not.
heres a few pics of my dale and our times together.

when i first got it


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#2 Post by aroracer72 »

heres a link to my imagestation with pics of me jumping my dale, they are good pics, check em out...good times........


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#3 Post by cannondale27 »

Why not try and get some sponsors to help you out?Make a resume and try the local shops.I dont know if you are in upper or lower Michigan but in the U.P. Zambans has helped out a few cannondales or try talking to MotoXracer I think he works at a shop.

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#4 Post by aroracer72 »

well, of course ive thought of that. But, tell me, how many sponsors am i gonna get with 0 finishes on my record...i havnt even raced a quad yet, hence my age is 15. I have been trying.....but...people just dont have faith, or a little risk in them anymore. Well....i kind of do have finishes..but not in ATV'ing. Like i said..i was a national champ in BMX...and my old trainer said i was looking good, and joking around he asked me "so how many years have you been riding quads???"....lol...he is a great guy....i was gettibng offered factory bike sponsorships, ii was winning almost every national, and won the US open, and Grand National Championship, and sweeped it if i might add. I have a great resume structure...but sponsors want results for the sport im getting into, to get sponsors, id have to race like half a season to egt results, than maybe get sponsored then, i just dont have the money for multiple races. ii mean, did you look at my imagestation pics???...those were of my first 3 months on a quad, well, actually first month. I like tthese quads, just dont have the backing and funds. Do you know any people who would give me like a trial sponsorship???...like give some discount (even though i still dont have money for like a 1000 part, for 800).....really what i need is a sponsor to provide little things like bearing, tie rod ends, and thats about it....oil would be nice. Ive tried..and am just almost completely out of time. I have a full resume on sponsorhouse.com , but ii dont have 50 dollars to pay for the membership. I KNOW i would win, i know this......my friend told me im nutz, cause he souldnt keep up with me through fat sand whoops..and whooped out corners, when my suspension is 80 pounds stiffer than what i need (previous owner). luckily my elka fronts and the ohlins rear are very adjustable, and have dialed them in pretty darn good. Ill gladly type up a resume if you think its worth my time (honestly), or know of a possible sponsor for me. I guarantee wins to whom ever sponsors me.

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#5 Post by aroracer72 »

here is my resume, tell me if you think it is good or not.

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#6 Post by aroracer72 »

here it is

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#7 Post by aroracer72 »

crap, it aint attaching, oohhh...its cause its in Microsoft Word, give me your email, and ill email it to you...if you dont mind that is.

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#8 Post by KYmxracer52 »

I understand exactly what you mean by "no support". My parents don't like me racing mx. This is my 2nd year I just finished up and My dad went to 2 races this year. My mom has went to maybe 3. Mom is a little more understanding than my dad is. But still, the only encouragement I get is what I give to myself. I won the 4-stoke C class championship at my local track, and tied for 1st for the same class in the Pro-Am National Series this year. My advice is to not let the lack of support you get from others get you down. I go to college full-time, work on the weekends, and still manage to race. Im by no means saying this in offense to you, just stating that I know how hard it is to afford the sport. I have truck payments every month, race fees, and other random costs. The parents help out some with weekly costs while at school, but I still had to buy my own quad and all the parts that go into it. That's why I appreciate all that my sponsors do for me and my racing career.

Thanks to Nac's Racing, The Quad Shop, and Dura Blue for helping me take the 1st place championships in these two series.

Brian Weir

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#9 Post by aroracer72 »

yeah, you have a similar situation. But, i have depression, and thats makes everything seem harder..and more depressing. Also if i dont get a 3.6 OR HIGHER IN SCHOOL, MY DID THREATENS TO SELL EVERYTHING (EVEN THOUGH IVE PAYED FOR SOME, AND do EVERYTHING at my house). I do ALL my homework, absolutley no help what so ever, which im shure you do all your homework with no help. I do all the chores at my house. Get verbally put down, and on top of that, am told i do nothing, and that im lazy. Havnt talked to or seen my mom in 2 years, havnt had a real hug or emotion from any 1 in over 2 years(i know, guys need hugs to), and again, i have depression, emotional stress and pain affects how difficult things are. Ill give it a shot......just for the cannondalers out there.

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#10 Post by cannondale27 »

"I'll give it a shot" Now we are talking!I personally know two former BMX quad racers.They are both awesome racers with no fear of huge air.I am sure that I am not the only one to notice a trend here.BMX guys do great at Quadracing.The sponsors will take your championships into account.Dont email your resume to me although I could help you out with a Stage8 kit and any kind of mechanical work you want over winter:) Try the local dealers or even your old bike shop.I am sure you spent money there.

"Bye the way I just offered you a sponsorship"So dont be so doubtful.

Steve S.

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