Time To Say GoodBye

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#11 Post by haydug »

Hang in there, I had to purchase all my bikes from the time I was 12 years old. My father co-signed a $500 90-day note and I mowed lawns and payed it off. But I went racing on a yz 80, and thought I was the ****.
As for your depression, don't use it as a crutch, look at it as a 100 ft double and just go for it. Don't look back.
Go to a local shop after work and volunteer to help a little for a deal on parts or a ride to the races or whatever. At least get your foot in the door.

Shoot me a resume, I'll help out, but can't really afford to give anything away. But I will help with a nice discount. Honestly that is about the best you will get anywhere untill this sport grows some more.
Oh, yeah, if you think BMX is fun (which it is) try going into the first turn with 40 other bikes or atv's and pulling a holeshot. WHAT A RUSH!! :head:

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#12 Post by cannondale27 »

Haydug is right just look at the pros they all have other jobs at least up until this year.The rewards for most are the pride in winning and the satisfaction of working for a win along with all the pals you will make among the racers.Even the pros are very easy to talk too at the Nats.This openness might be gone with factory rides.I hope not.

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#13 Post by aroracer72 »

thx for the incites and help guys. For once in my life.....im not just gonna give up......cut it short..its about time i actually really truly work hard for something...like i did in BMX. I worked my *** off for that 1996 national championship. And as for the sponsorship thing...i dont need free stuff. Just some discounts..if its enough to make it affordable, i can do it. Im not talking like 85% off or anything ( although its welcome smile.gif), just like 15%...or a little more. I dont think of it as sponsorship..but as support....cause in my mind..support gets returned support..just in a different way. I really think this is a right decision..and maybe will help me with my depression...and as for the 100 ft double analogy....i can do that:D ...im a crazy little fu**er. If i can win a championship in BMX...i can do it in anything. And let me clear this up.....haydug...i can send you my resume...and cannondale27(lol..maybe its a sign cannondale72-cannondale27)...you just want me to give yah a ring???...cause if im gonna do this..ill be stripping my beast down(more wrenching rolleyes.gif )...and doing a make over....i know a friend who has just revealed to me that his dad owns a PC place..and does anodizing. Ill make her all nice and spiffy....all i need now is a ski mask and a big gun with lots of ammo so i can rob a bank for all the money(LOL..j/k). Ill be getting a new job at the local ski resprt..and in the summer..ill be doing landscaping. And by the way, my name is Chad Aro..and race am a Richfield/Waterford Oaks local BMX'er...ask your buds if they have ever heard of me...in 1996 i was racing 8/9 year old novice..and i was wining a LOT. ask them.....lol..a little while ago...i met a bmx fan...and asked him if he knew who Chad Aro was..and he said YEAH!!..he was my mentor!!!....i felt very proud...and id like to accomplish that status in ATV'ing. L8er guys. Remember ask them...Chad Aro

and cannondale27...youll be seeing her naked soon:p (motor)

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#14 Post by aroracer72 »



but, if i were to sell it, and get a dirtbike(125)..i wouldnt be able to enjoy any more of these at silver lake:rolleyes: this is what ATV's are all about...enjoyment.

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#15 Post by KYmxracer52 »

Glad to see you've got your spirit back!!biggrin.gif Just stick with it, and it'll all turn out for the best. Just already you've got two guys that are willing to help you. Just imagine what you can have if you get your resume out to all the other company's. Try Nac's Racing as well. They're into helping the up and coming racers as well as the top National Pros.

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#16 Post by aroracer72 »

ii already filled out the rider support form for AC racing
and am going to Nac's racing now, but theres no way im EVER gonna buy a set of there graphics and seat cover...they arnt the best(wear away..tear).....looks like theres light at the end of the tunnel...thx haydug and cannondale27....now..........were do i go from here??..order suspension and arms this winter???...take my motor out now????...ive never had any kind of support...so im a clueless..:wow ....i nkow you aint gonna give me a huge discount..but what can you do for me??...so i can start adding up my budet costs into the parts i need....let me know...and by the way im planning on buying a new set of plastic/extra set..and putting cannondaleriders.com graphics and a carbon fiber scoop...i got that ski resort job...so everythings coming together....thx again guys...this really means alot..you just made my dream come true...will never forget this.

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#17 Post by aroracer72 »

okay haydug.....cannondale27..this is what i need.

complete motor rebuild....bottom end...top end....anything else worn out/broken (not broken, just for reliability and the season)
and also i need
LT front end...+2....and a FULL set of TCS shocks..tripple rtes..remote rezzies.....just give me how much the price will be...with your discounts..if you give me any... if youd like to keep the prices private for some reason...PM me or email me at aroracer72@yahoo.com ..thx guys. Im also thinking of anodizing my frame....and getting that extra plastic set and graphics.
just give me those prices...so i can start saving up..and have a goal.

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#18 Post by Derno24 »

Man you go from I can't race anymore to I want a new bike. J/K:D

Selling the Dale at this time wouldn't be very profitable anyway.

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#19 Post by aroracer72 »

its complex
ii didnt really mean i CANT race anymore...but id get burn out...and f*** up school working overtime to pay for racing...i cant do that......but....with their help...that will relieve the couple extra hours i would have worked....that was the deal sealer. And i also realize ii would'nt get NEAR what i need for my dale...so i guess its time to buckle down and work my *** off....i love a challenge...how much you think that sytuff is gonna cost me????
and please try to get me those prices guys, thx.

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#20 Post by aroracer72 »

hey derno....do you need some +2 dale arms??...im gonna sell mine to get LT...interested????

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