Tire Balls???

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Tire Balls???

#1 Post by 02Cannibal »

I was watching the GNCC on speed vision, and they said some of the pros were using tire balls so they won't get flats. Anyone have any idea what these are?

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#2 Post by thomez »

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#3 Post by pdavis »

i have heard of the tire balls before, but what i was wondering is where can i get rider balls?:wow

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Calling Jeff @quadshop!!

#4 Post by haydug »

Seems we got some interest in the rider balls, I mean tire balls.
Tell us more.

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#5 Post by pdavis »

haydug, you are fast, it looks like you have rider balls, do you stock them? if so how much?:wow biggrin.gif :rotf

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#6 Post by Derno24 »

Yes I too would like some rider balls can I buy them by the dozen? Or is this individually priced? 1 Ball per $10. So if I wanted a real set of balls how much would that be?

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#7 Post by jesshamner »

I had a chat with the guys at the tireballs booth at the Ironman GNCC. They were passing out flyers. I believe it was a little over $1000 for 4 atv tires. I don't know if that has changed or not.

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#8 Post by thunderwolf »

If that is true, that is outrageous.

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#9 Post by JeffQuadShop »

The tire balls are individule cells that go into your tires and eliminate flats. I started testing them at The Wisp GNCC this past summer wich is known for destroying tires. In that first race, I ended up winning my class and found out that I had a 2" gash in the side wall of my tire and I never even knew it. All the balls were still inflated.
The tire balls are very expensive to manufacture so there is a inital sticker shock. One thing you must consider is the money you save on tires. When you do rip a side wall, you can keep using that tire till it wears out where without them you must replace the tire.
A couple more advantages are; traction is greatly improved because you are able to run lower pressure. I set mine to feel about the same as running 3psi which I could never do without them because that would guarntee a flat tire. The other is the ride quaility is much smoother also due to the lower pressure.
So if you are a serious woods or desert racer or just ride in very rocky terrain where flats are a problem then they are worth their weight in gold!

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#10 Post by wyndzer »

So, I'm guessing that the tire balls can be transferred from tire to tire? Meaning that one set of balls is basically all you would ever need?

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