What have I got myself into..!?

LRD 400ex
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What have I got myself into..!?

#1 Post by LRD 400ex »

So I'm on this site about 2 weeks ago and get and emial from someone who saw my posts for a wanted Cannondale here. I ended up following through with him and went to check it out. I ended up coming home with it. The guy said it runs a little funny in the cold,but it was fine when i test rode it. I took it out and it boggs down kind of and gives a little backfire after it stalls. It only happens occasionly. When i came home from riding on my 400 (since i could take the dale out in the snow cuz i didnt know how it was gonna hold up ) i took out the dale and it was FINE,ntohing wrong at all. Went to my friends house for the superbowl,came home and took it out again at about 9:00 at night,which is the first time i could get it out of second gear cuz i ::cough,cough:: went on the road. so i got it in 4th and WOW i know what u dale guys mean by power and once again it was FINE. I came home today from school, took it out, bogging like a *******. It starts up real easy and it idles fine by itself, but it will bog down when on u rev thee gas somtimes. One thing io noticed, yesterday afternnoon i had the quad out with my lights on and it was fine. my dad said try it with the lights off,no difference. last night i had my lights on,and it was fine. today i had my lights off and it was bogging so i dunno if that oculd have anything to do with it or what. I was afriad this was going to happen, and here comes the problems. I've had it for three days and have about 10minutes total ride time on it and could go riding the other day cuz of it. My dad called up my local dealer(Pompton Honda/Suzuki/Cannondale) and someone told him too drain that gas, spray some fuel injector cleaner in it,and replace the plug and if i still have a problem i might be throwing down some serious bucks. AHHHH Please get this fixed so i can ride it this friday for my first time. :cry: Thanks

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#2 Post by Psychosis »

If it's cold then it's like mine. When it's real cold here like in the 30's or below it will backfire some but I usually don't ride it in that low of temps. Wen it gets into atleast the mid 40's or up it runs flawless. I've had several people tell me it's the temp sensor and others say my fuel settings are off. I plan on having it checked out soon. But no worries. There's always someone here w/the right answer. :usa

LRD 400ex
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#3 Post by LRD 400ex »

Well i hope its just the weather or something and not something major like the computer. Anyway, here she is.

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#4 Post by cdrookie »

nice to see you finally got one! sorry to hear about your troubles though. when it warms up us guys in eastern pa/ jersey need to get together and hit rausch creek or something.

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#5 Post by Derno24 »

I know that there is a manual on this site or Cannondaler.com to eliminate the temp sensor. You may want to look into that. As far as changing the plug and shooting injector cleaner into it. Just change the plug. Look at it good when you take it out. Look at just the very tips to see how it looks. Also try to keep an eye on the temps.

Have you been warming it up properly. Fire it up and let it idle for about 2 mins or so then easy into the throttle the first time.

LRD 400ex
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#6 Post by LRD 400ex »

I'll take a look at the easy things. Is it a good thing to get rid of the temp sensor? And if u recommend it direct me where to see it. thanks.

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#7 Post by Derno24 »

Let me rephrase not eliminate the sensor, but eliminate it from being the problem. I don't think you can just ditch it. I may be wrong though. If that is your problem than simply ditching it won't fix it.

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#8 Post by acarli3 »

There are a couple of threads now about problems with cold starting and riding. I went to Vegas 6 weeks ago and the quad ran flawlessly but upon return to the 30 degree temps, the bike stalls and backfires and hesitates something fierce. If you have a D&M kit, I am being told the solution is to increase flow rate as the really cold air may be running the bike lean. I haven't tested the theory and may not get to it this week. Also changing to an 8 plug is another recomendation but change back to a 9 when it warms up. Other theories as mentioned above is the air sensor. When I get aroundt o richening my bike up, I will let you all know of the results.

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#9 Post by Derno24 »

One correction to richen up the quad you need to decrease the value of the flowrate. ie 2500 original setting to 2300 new setting. I haven't figured out the advantage of running a hotter plug. If you are running lean this shouldn't help. I am not 2nd guessing anyone just curious as to why this has popped up.

From what I learned plugs aren't to be used like that.

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#10 Post by thomez »

Euro has also recommended holding onto the sensor to fool it into being warmer just to see if that is the problem. Just a thought.

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