Accident at Silver Lake

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#1 Post by 00Honda400EX »

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#2 Post by EuroGOD »

There's this link , a post from one of the guys that tried to save the rider.
I'd encourage anyone that is feels anything whilst reading of this tragedy to enrol for a basic first aid class.
Common sence really....

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Joined: Wed Mar 10, 2021 10:41 pm

#3 Post by tjusa »

that is really sad and my prayers go to all involved. it is tough on the guy that was trying to save him too to watch somone die that u are unable to save is tough but at least he was able to try . everyboby should have atleast basic first aid and cpr . we were in a situation not to long ago were a young girl had a attact and stop breathing and somone had to keep her breathing till paramitics arived . the classes are free and you could save a life !!

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