GNCC Sparta 2004 Misc Pictures

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#21 Post by thomez »

I think he was talking about Jeff's handguards!! :wow

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#22 Post by TheJaspMan »

Originally posted by thomez
I think he was talking about Jeff's handguards!! :wow

Yah, they were... interesting. But I have some pictures of guys who used Bud Light boxes, milk jugs, bleach bottles, Tupperware and a couple other odd items for hand guards.

And duct tape!?!?! My God! Now I realize how they stay open.

You could make living selling zip ties, duct tape and baby wipes at an event like this when it's muddy out.


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#23 Post by TheJaspMan »

Originally posted by ******
those are great pics Jasp That's why I went digital so i can take a bazillion pics and just load them into my laptop alot quicker then film:)

oh and that was for jeffs handgaurds:wow

I have a Nikon 35mm and a Nikon digital. I really like them both. But unless I drop $2000 into another Nikon digital I find it just doesn't take shots fast enough for me. I like the control of an SLR 35mm camera.

And we all know that when you own multiple quads that toys like cameras and beds are nothing but extra expenses that you can only treat yourself to a couple times a century. :mad:

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#24 Post by jfarrar »

man i dont know if my quad could even push those guards through the they are huge.

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#25 Post by TheJaspMan »

Originally posted by jfarrar
man i dont know if my quad could even push those guards through the   they are huge.

I'm fairly sure they flip up so they lay flat. He used them as a 'wings' to hydroplane. That accounts for the low lap times in such thick mud!! :w: :wow

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#26 Post by WolfmanGK »

When I lived in CA at a wolf sanctuary I used to volunteer at, I got 200 pictures on my Mavica w/ memory stick in one day. Digitals are the greatest.

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#27 Post by Psychosis »

Ah, no pictures of me??? :cry: :cool: I was there. Had a LOT of trouble though. Don't know what happened. Everything working great and fine. Got to the starting line and battery seemed dead. Had time so got voltage checked and everything and it was good but wouldn't start on the line.

Finally got it going like 2mins after class started and passed about 30 riders or so until I got screwed. My starter clutch gear broke and couldn't start it w/out pushing it. Did that probably 5 times or so but then I landed in a nice set of ruts and couldn't get out so my day was done. I had probably a dozen guys run up and take a picture of me when riding to registration though. :cool: (Maybe somebody from here.) Mine was reb/black w/# 440 on front taped over somewhat, and the powdercoated stuff on the rear end/side cover.

BTW: The morning guys had to have seen me. I was in the early part of the woods in a rutted area w/rear red plastic. I was usually trying to get people's attention to go to the other route b/c about 10 actually hit my quad and I couldn't move it! It was stuck there and even w/help it wouldn't move. Took two quads to pull it out. Later a track official helped me reroute around that are. So if you saw a guy w/a helmet on waving arms and pointing to a new path turning left off the track then that was me. biggrin.gif

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#28 Post by TheJaspMan »

I probably have a couple pictures. I think I took some of every Cdale on the the field. I have a huge stack of pictures to scan yet.

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#29 Post by JeffQuadShop »

The guy coming off the quad was TJ Lenig (Traci Cecco's nephew). He was in the open A class.

Stop making fun of my handguards! :mad:

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#30 Post by USAMoto00 »

Nice handguards Jeff!smile.gif tongue.gif You can use any guards you want, just keep it up front!:usa

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