Sell My Dale?(i'm skeered)

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#11 Post by Ryanstones »

Yea, we've about talked these machines value right into the dirt.wink.gif Pro400 and thomez must have missed the thread where all the diehards decided to exaggerate the failures in order to make parts/machines cheaper for us, huh? :confused:

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#12 Post by tjusa »

the value is what its worth to you!! i for one know mine wont be sold parted out or scraped for long time to come ! but for those of u with 2nd thoughts better deals for us :w:

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It's gonna be ok

#13 Post by Ryanstones »

unless it's not of course.

As has been said, whatever you ride hard is going to take a countinuous stream of $$. Don't be fooled. Yamaha and Honda keep a WHOLE lot of failures quiet.
We don't have that luxury though, so it's easy to get a wrong sense of how big the problem is.

We have like 1800 members, less than half those ever had 'dales, so 800 members with MOTORS and our crank failure poll has 14 ! blown cranks. Of course most members and NONmember owners never saw the poll, cause they haven't had ANY problems they couldn't handle themselves, so they don't visit us often. Really, the odds are in your favor guys!

Yes, some cranks will fail, but maz, doug, scott, frank, tim, steve, wade, and many others have and are figuring out how to make that far less likely.
Whatever breaks can be fixed, just like on a import.

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So i'm gonna ride mine

#14 Post by Ryanstones »

and change the oil/clean the filters more often and smile. Cause man does this thing make me grin like no other.
I am gonna use it on fewer long trail rides though:rolleyes: they make hondas for that.

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I don't blame people for selling

#15 Post by Ryanstones »

if they are really tight on money, or they are after OEM/aftermarket sponsorship, or if they just really think another quad is better for them. to each his own.
To sell out of fear though, that's just...disappointing.

Whether ATK or dinli comes thru with new machines doesn't really matter. Ours are mostly just collectibles now anyway, a small niche, A VERY competitive, highly distinctive, independent, arm ripper of a beautiful 4 wheeler that it takes BALLS to ride and own.

There's only what, maybe 6000 running 'dales left, cause most of the really farqed up ones blew quick. :hammer: but there's still tons of new/used factory and aftermarket parts available so cheap. If your crank don't blow, the cost of 'dale ownership is gonna be less than an import of similar performance. If/when it does fail, there's lots of guys who can fix it, and that price will be coming down too. I've no experience with collectible markets, but we've got the makings for a strong one.

If a guy can only own one quad, then maybe it should be something else, but to sell for 3k what it will take 8-10k to replace is nonsense.

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#16 Post by cannondale27 »

Alot of us here had our quads right in the begining and went through numerous issues over the years that looked like the old nail in the coffin.But guess what?None stopped us we figured it out or lived with it.I think we have become accustomed to it even.For those that arent used to it or dont like it I apoligize.Please dont ever look into the shop of a Honda or Yamaha dealer cause your perfect quad may just be in there being worked on.That is reality with the new 4strokes.They rip/they break.It is that simple.Go to the other sites YFZ Central or Exriders etc.The stories are there too.

They all have problems some major some minor but it is still worth it when you pull off a holeshot or feel the perfect response,clean the beautiful aluminum frame,tune it without touching a tool,have countless people stare and ask questions,think of history behind it,USA made,think of the great people who own them and how helpful they are,and even yes the FUN of working on it.The + far outweigh the -

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#17 Post by Jaybr »

I have to agree with Ryan and 27, you guys are getting scared over nothing.

Look at the stats from the group ride, there where what 33 or34 dales there? 2 motors failed, one more left with a strange noise in the engine, and 1 broken frame.

Both of the failed motors and the one that had the strange noise had the same crank in them, not stock but rebuilt.

That's less than 10% failure rate and again they where all rebuilt cranks. 0 stock cranks failed. Stock cranks do fail, but not as often as people think, Falicon cranks will be even better and will be rebuildable with a replaceable pin.

The broken frame - well that was an anomoly. There is no doubt in my mind that we have the strongest frame out there, just not as strong as large VA White Oaks.

BTW: I need to put a new topend in one of my EX motors, they fail too.

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#18 Post by garysol1 »

And look at all the CHEAP parts we would have...Woo Hoo

Originally posted by ******
I'll keep mine probably till the last person sings off on this or cannondaler because if it comes to that then I'll be called weird for only talking to myself  here!

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#19 Post by Coleridge »

There right guys... problems on this site seem to come and go. One month its this??????????????? next month it??????????????????s that. C??????????????????dales havn??????????????????t been produced in 1 year and 4 months. At the very least yours is that old. A year ago there was not apprehensive urgent posts worried if your crank had failed. Why is everyone ????????????????skeered???????????????. Ride it, if it breaks??????????????? fix it; then ride it again.
If you have a problem??????????????? post it. Great people on here will help you through it.
Don??????????????????t post I might have a problem in the future. No body here can help you with that.

What??????????????????s the big deal? Nothings perfect. Honda, Yami, Kaw, Suz, Pol, Atk???????????????ford / chevy??????????????? ALL of them are gonna have problems.

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#20 Post by Coleridge »

uuuuhhhh spell checker wouldn't catch sings. It's spelled right

thats the reason I don't post much... I need more help than that!smile.gif

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