A Time For Prayers.

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Big Dog
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A Time For Prayers.

#1 Post by Big Dog »

Please put the family of Ashlie Wyderka in your prayers, they are going to need them. This last weekend, my son, Hanniblehascannible was at a campground and his good friend, Ashlie was killed in a head on collision with another quad. The guy on the other quad cut the corner and hit Ashlie head on, killing her instantly. Hannible is going through a very tough time, and could use your prayers and support also. Ashlie was not wearing a helmet, which probably would have saved her. Please no bashing of this fact, it was a mistake and she paid very dearly for it. Please make sure your loved ones ride safely.

Thank You,

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#2 Post by NRath »

That sends shivers down my spine. My thoughts are definitely with Ashlie's family and your son.

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#3 Post by CannondaleRider »

^ same. Ashlie's family and your son are also in my prayers

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#4 Post by moto450 »

so sorry to hear about this!!! i'll light a candle at church in her name this weekend

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#5 Post by Jaybr »

I am so sorry to hear about this, my best wishes go to all involved. Having two teenagers that ride myself, it really hits home.

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#6 Post by CDaleChick »

my prayers are with her family and your son, i have talked to him on instant messenger quite a bit and hes a really nice boy, i am incredibly sorry for the loss, this really hurt to hear that, once again my prayers are out to anyone involved in this. god bless her family

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#7 Post by hnnblehscnnble »

thanks guys and girls and thanks dad for the post.my friend actually was killed by a broken neck.i found this out thursday at the funeral.so a helmet wouldnt have saved her but it would be a comfort to know she had one on.this really is hitting me hard, and i have no motivation to even ride nemore.i know she would want me to rip it up still but its hard to even think about riding.she loved my cannondale.she thought is was the baddest motor scooter around and now thats all i can think of when i think about riding.idk guys.this mite be it for me. ill talk to ya guys later, and be safe all of ya!


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#8 Post by 4punksdad »

having 5 punks...........I fear the pain.

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