Cannondale vs. DS

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#31 Post by LapTraffic »

I havent clocked mine yet, but I was pinned in fifth on a fire road and the sphincter factor reading taken from the pucker deformed seat cover (non gripper cannibal seat) put it at about 8.3 on the Rechtum scale.

I crossed that to an excel conversion chart I made and calculated my speed to be 74.35 mph

It's a good thing I didnt try that after I lost my seat latch bolt, I might have needed surgery to remove the whole seat smile.gif

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#32 Post by Redman »

biggrin.gif /:rolleyes: /:P /:( biggrin.gif

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#33 Post by LapTraffic »

pipe and map helps a bit. I think 7hp, but I dont have the data right in front of me.

In all honesty I am quite sure you guys are not revving this thing enough. The gears are short, but they aint that short.

I had to do some serious runs in second gear till I hit the rev limiter when I first got it just to get to know the power band. I was short shifting big time prior to that.

If I had to guess Id say Im shifting at about 90% of the powerband though I have no way to support that claim. I screw up and hit the rev limiter occasionally, but I also fall off the nike sometimes as well, it's operator error.

As an indication: On a wide open blistering run through the gears, if I shift from 1st to second I will stay in second with the throttle pinned for maybe 90'-120' then hit third. That's a real rough stab and if you want me to nail it down I can measure it this weekend on both pavement and dirt.

That should at least get you ballparked into holding a gear long enough to use the power band

Sorry for the sillyness earlier, it just seemed almost an outrageous joke that someone would consider these bikes anemic as you were stating. So I didnt take you seriously.

My bad wink.gif

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#34 Post by Knight440 »

Rico one thing Carbon Fiber hood would top the SS off smile.gif

And thats the only thing great job:)

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#35 Post by Lippy91 »

Hey Boys .. from what i understand the break in period of cannondale is very critical. By not breaking it in proparly for the first hour of usage you can lose alot of HP. Most people get the bike home and just let them rip, It is stated in the manual and my local tech who is very good with the Dale highly recommends the propar break in. Hence that may be one of your buddies problems..

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#36 Post by LapTraffic »

Cool video!

You can see a bit of a disparity in driver ability, expecially in the barrel part, the 416 driver knows his machine better.

I love the '1 wheeler' that cannibal did exiting the barrel, holy crap I love that power smile.gif

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