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#1 Post by thomez »

Today is 9/11 and no mention here.

Have we forgotten?

RIP all 9/11 victims

New York, DC, and Pennsylvania, I have not forgotten.

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#2 Post by cannibalq8 »

yeah its 11/9 ... **** ... i saw the documentry Film 11/9 before 2 weeks.... holy **** this thing is horrible !! .. there is some rare scenes really really made me like crazy ... This son of bi*ch still free .... what u r doing on that time ...Zack ( when the planes hit the twin tower ? what u remember.

I remember i was in my causin house ( all the friends ) and played PSX ( soccer game.. at 7:15p.m ... we heard my causin scream .... A PLANE HIT A TOWER IN NEW YORK ( IN CNN CHANNEL )..

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#3 Post by thomez »

I was in Physical Geology class at Kent State University and at the end of class (I believe 9:00 AM) I went to the University Center to sit down and maybe do some homework before next class. I was shocked when they had about 20 TV's pulled into the main room and students were packed everywhere glued to them. I watched for a moment through the window, in shock at the images being projected. I went inside to listen to the audio only to confirm what I had already pieced together - that the twin towers of the WTC had fallen. Later reports showed the Pentagon, and Pennsylvania. I called my aunt, who flies regularly, to make sure she was safe. I called my mother and let her know of the tragedy. KSU cancelled class for the rest of the day and I went home a mess. I went and laid in my bed feeling pretty depressed, cancelling plans with my g/f. What a terrible day. :cry:

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#4 Post by quadrider60 »

i was in history class and so was every other class around us

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#5 Post by CannondaleRider »

I woke up and came into the living room, turned on the TV, flipped to the news channel (Expecting the usual morning show) and then i saw the video of them hitting the towers, i thought they were playing some movie at first. It was crazy.

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#6 Post by 01300ex »

i was in 6th grade an din math class and over the loud speakers they told us that there was a terrorist attach in nyc and thats all and so we all went on with our day and then we all found out when we got home my mom was crying and i saw if on tv and i remember i asked my mom if i could still go down to the jumps with my bike and play with my friends lol cuz i thought she wouldent let me but she did and me and all my lil friends thought we were going to all die..(we were only in 6th grade) so we really dident kno how serious it was

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#7 Post by jfarrar »

i was at work at a hospital when one of the workers come out at break and grabbed us all and we went to the emergency room to watch the television.i watched the replay over and over thinkng what sick @#$$ would do something like this.

today was a little scary as it seemed as all i could remember of that day that there was not a cloud,bird,plane in the sky same as today here.

rip 9/11 victims and heros:usa

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#8 Post by thomez »


I remember they said the plane that crashed in PA flew directly over our area. Kind of sad to think about, since the struggle onboard has been oncovered since....

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#9 Post by jesshamner »

I woke up to go to my 9:30 class. I sat down at the computer to check my email and my friend popped a message up. It said "Turn the TV to CNN!" So turned it on. I see a building that has a gaping hole in the side and its on fire. I didn't get it at first. He says to keep watching. Then after about 3 minutes, I see another plane fly into the other building. I was horrified by what I saw. Then I witnessed the buildings collapse. I'll never forget what I was doing, what I was wearing and what all happened that morning. I can remember every detail. I felt bad for everyone involved but it seems like this year it really hit me hard for some reason. I was watching cnn this morning and it really made me emotional. The victims are always in my thoughts! RIP

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#10 Post by cdalemx301 »

i was in history class when i thappened but didnt here about it till passin to my next class from a kid in the hall then found out in my next class..everything was just kinda silent nobody could believe what happened...

To all who lost there lives RIP 9/11

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