Before it begin - The Jesus Tomb March 4th

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#11 Post by harleypitbull1 »

AMEN !!!!!!! AMEN AMEN christianity is the only religion that can be backed up by cold hard facts. I the same as Smitty am open to any other opinions but it will bever change my beliefs. Like I said, not meaning to offend anyone and if I did, again, I am sorry. Also it tells in the bible that GOD will defend Israel and it talks about the end of the world coming when armies all join together and try to destroy Israel. Some food for thought. I am sure Smitty can tell us where its at in the bible. Been a while since I read it but I will look it up. Really gives you something to think about.

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#12 Post by harleypitbull1 »

QUOTE (harleypitbull1 @ Mar 4 2007, 08:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
AMEN !!!!!!! AMEN AMEN christianity is the only religion that can be backed up by cold hard facts. I the same as Smitty am open to any other opinions but it will bever change my beliefs. Like I said, not meaning to offend anyone and if I did, again, I am sorry. Also it tells in the bible that GOD will defend Israel and it talks about the end of the world coming when armies all join together and try to destroy Israel. Some food for thought. I am sure Smitty can tell us where its at in the bible. Been a while since I read it but I will look it up. Really gives you something to think about.

I looked it up EZEKIAL verse 38 is where it starts if anyone is interested.

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#13 Post by Smitty911 »

QUOTE (harleypitbull1 @ Mar 5 2007, 01:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am not making a judgment, just the way I feel. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, I was simply stating mine. The religion of Christianity teaches that the bible is completely true. Not just parts of it. I never would judge or condemn anyone as it is not my place to do so. According to the teachings of Christianity, after death comes the judgment! Only one person will be doing the judging and condemning. C27, may I ask, what part or parts of the bible do you believe to be false? And also I am not sure of all the different sections of Christianity as far as church or Christ, church of god, baptist and others, I know most believe the bible to be true from cover to cover but some may not. I can not vouch for those parts, but I know the baptist religion and church of Christ do believe it. Also on the Muslim statement, I believe they are told that if they die for their religion they will have 12 virgins when they get to have or some kind of something like that. Once again, freedom of religion entitles everyone to believe what they wish. Like I said, only stating my opinion and did not mean to offend anyone if I did and If I did so , I am sorry.

It would appear that you were misunderstood. wacko.gif

Christian beliefs on the Bible is the inerrant Word of God in the original manuscripts. As far as the Baptist, Church of God (not the one in Boston), etc they all agree on the majors. See Nicene CreedNician Creed They do change some of the minors around. Minors examples - What type of music, one cup, Baptism, offering there are some more but they are well ---- minor.

Muslims well here is the fun part. Muslim belief system teaches them that they have a angle on both shoulders, one to record all the good thoughts, deeds, and actions, One to record the bad. Every night they are taught to check their scales to make sure that the good out weigh the bad. Even if a Muslim could somehow HONESTLY do more good than bad, you would think that he would get into paradise. Wrong, even if that could somehow happen, god could change his mind and send them to h=ell. In the Moran and hadiths it is talked about that if you die as a martyr than you are guaranteed entry into paradise.

Here is the hard part:
1. What is good? Why is it good? Has good changed definition?
2. What is paradise? Their version is MEN get virgins and get to indulge in everything they were not allowed to touch while alive.
3. What do women get?

To compare Islam to Christianity is hardly worth the effort. They are opposed on almost every point. I'll list a couple, Christian view point first followed by the Islamic teaching.

1. Jesus was God - God cannot have a son
2. Jesus died on the cross - Jesus was removed from the cross in secrete and someone else died their.
3. Bible is God infallible word - Bible has been corrupted
4. Jesus was the last prophet - Mohamed was the last one and corrected all Jesus's mistakes.
5. History is accurate - Many glaring holes, unsupported assumption and mistakes.

I could go on but you should be able to get the idea.

Enjoy the show and tell me what you think. Everyone should like doing that. cool.gif


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#14 Post by ozarkdaler »

I am watching a show on this discussion on the Discovery Channel right now.

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#15 Post by UpsMan »

Just let it go guys. You are starting to sound like fanatics.

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#16 Post by Smitty911 »

QUOTE (UpsMan @ Mar 5 2007, 04:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just let it go guys. You are starting to sound like fanatics.


What are your thoughts about it?

What do you feel strongly about?

Are you ready to have your belief system systematically picked at in an vain attempt to discredit it?

Could your belief system be questioned and hold up to an honest evaluation?

Let what go. I'm sorry that you don't see this as an out and out attack against the Christianity? When they throw something like this out there it is an attempt to show that Christianity is FALSE. This only works on people who don't know any better. Are you one?

When you deny God, you are open to any stupid suggestion, there are no moral absolutes.

This is also directed at anybody thinking along the same lines.

Feel free to answer, if you have one.


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#17 Post by UpsMan »

QUOTE (Smitty911 @ Mar 4 2007, 11:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

When you deny God, you are open to any stupid suggestion, there are no moral absolutes.


You are mighty arrogant. It seems to me that you are saying," believe like I believe, or you are gullible and stupid, and have no morals." Go screw yourself.

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#18 Post by Psychosis »

Ok, this has been going on long enough. I started watching the show b/c I watch a LOT of documentories and information shows and always have enjoyed them. Really was not too into the show but watched parts of it. I loved the ending how it said they cannot prove or disprove anything so they're asking viewers to make their own judgements. lol.

I agree that there should be talk on the forums other than just quads. However, I've been watching the two topics which everyone has seen lately about religious things and it's gotten old quick. Pushing thoughts and "morals" on some people piss them off or do no good but harm to ones' self.

I think if people want to talk about religion then go ahead. But I myself am getting fedup w/some of the things I've seen said on here. Sure, ignore it as some say. To a certain degree that is fine; then it just makes you want to stab people when you see their arrogance and insolence. A person is a person. We're all human. It's nature to push things on another that you think are right. Just remember this: if the shoe was on the other foot and the one being preached negatively to was you, would you gladly continue on w/the conversation or start to get annoyed after a hundred arguments?

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#19 Post by jwheat »

QUOTE (Smitty911 @ Mar 4 2007, 11:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
When you deny God, you are open to any stupid suggestion, there are no moral absolutes.

This is also directed at anybody thinking along the same lines.

Feel free to answer, if you have one.


Now you see Smitty???? This is the exact kind of "Holier than Thou" strict Southern Baptist attitude that turns off so many people to religion. I interpret the first line in this qoute to mean that anybody that doesn't follow your same beliefs to be gullible and stupid, and incapable of rational thought. Do I strike you as any of those?

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#20 Post by Happyboy »

I agree with the last couple of posts. Must be nice to sit up on the high moral pedistal and look down at everyone else. This has been no different that talking with the bible thumpers we have here locally. You are not going to take anyone elses comments or thoughts to heart so why should they take yours?

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