In your thoughts and prayers...

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#11 Post by USAMoto00 »

Tell him that we are all pulling for him to have a speedy recovery. Listen to the Doctors and take it easy for a while.:usa

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#12 Post by Mjollnir »

We'll be pulling for him on the left coast. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.


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#13 Post by Happyboy »

Well, went and saw Bobby again last night. He is doing the same as before and looks like he is going to be that way for a while. At this point he just has to give his back some time to heal. I don't know the details on the fracture or the condition of the disc so many of us are in the dark other than knowing he has 50% compression.

He is actually pretty sane for being stuck in a bed talking to his mother and mother-in-law all day. I think I would have kept pushing the drug button till I passed out if I was stuck like that with my mom in the room all day. (j/k mom!) He was in a lot of pain but was in good spirits. He is really concerned with how he feels now but everyone keeps reinforcing that with time he will do tons better if not get back to close to normal. It was good to get him talking about the dunes. He really enjoys riding out there so he just smiled and told stories.

The last couple of conversations revolved around ending his days of riding. I hate to see him do it but he has to get rid of the quad. For his daughter's sake as well as finances. I will be getting it cleaned up and posted in the next day. I wish we could stall him until he was doing better to make that call but seeing how his recovery is going to be long and slow we are going to have to see it go.

There is a way to send him an email to his room so if anyone wants to send him a note pm me and i will tell you how.


He has an 02 cannibal (cable clutch) with nerf, handle bars, and elka front (triple rate with rezzie fully adjustable). We are priceing it at 3k or 2500 with stock suspension. He hates getting rid of it but life demands it at this point.

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#14 Post by Trailgirl »

He will be in our prayers. Tell him that my Husband fractured L1, L2 & L3 last year at the Hatfield McCoy Trails in WV. He drove home 12-hours that way. The Dr. @ Hospital down there told him "Nothing Broke, Only Muscle". Dam Indian Doctors..

It took about 3-6 months to get better but back to normal now. Thank God we had Joe to help us around here. He was and still is a God Send.

Tell you buddy "Good Luck" and be Patient.

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#15 Post by protraxrptr17 »

Tell him to hang in there and don't get depressed. I crashed at Heber Springs back in the spring and got compression fractures in T1, T2, and T3 plus torn muscles, and bruised ribs and kidneys. All my friends and family said I should quit racing. I got depressed and down. I finally got my head straight and focused on someday racing again and that's when things started healing up. Anyway, enough about me, tell him to focus on what he's going to do after he heals, instead of focusing on all the negative stuff. Make up his mind that he'll be back to 100% no matter what anybody says and he'll heal faster. I'm a firm believer that your mind heals you faster than any medicine. Almost forgot, chiropractors rule!!smile.gif

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#16 Post by sillysspeed »

we'll be praying for you. My cousin just totaled his 400ex. didn't see a culvert until it was too late and crashed into it, throwing him 30ft in the air. He is actually very lucky he only fractured his lower back also, broke a shoulder but was out of the hospital in a few days. He's still in a back brace and sling. The doctors can't believe he didn't get hurt worse. Anyway well be thinking about you :usa

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#17 Post by Happyboy »

Originally posted by sillysspeed
we'll be praying for you.  My cousin just totaled his 400ex.  didn't see a culvert until it was too late and crashed into it, throwing him 30ft in the air.  He is actually very lucky he only fractured his lower back also, broke a shoulder but was out of the hospital in a few days.  He's still in a back brace and sling.  The doctors can't believe he didn't get hurt worse.  Anyway well be thinking about you    :usa

Dude, lucky guy...:wow

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#18 Post by cdalemx301 »

Hey I just noticed this post must have missed it the other day let him know im thinking about him and hope he gets better....Any new news on him hows he doin?

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#19 Post by Happyboy »

He is doing much better. Still not moving around alot but his spirits are much higher. The doc FINALLY got to talking to him and told him that he would get back to normal with some time. I shared some stories about ******, protraxrptr17, and trailgirl's hubby and it made him feel better. He still says he needs to sell the quad. It is sad to see him leave it but after something like this, it is very understandable. They were going to try and get him off the bed today so I will check with him in the morning about it. He sends his thanks to everyone.


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#20 Post by TheJaspMan »

Keep your spirts up Happy. You know my freind took a nasty spill at the GNC MX in Boone. It's a long tough road watching a friend heal. But it takes a long time. And I have to admit that you will notice changes. As people get older things tend to spook them into reality.

As far as riding goes, it's a choice he has to make right now. It helps the healing process for himself and his family. What it does not mean is that he will stop riding for ever. My buddy still goes back and forth about things. After a person is completly healed and life gets back to normal is the only time you can really tell what is going on.

It's very possible he is trying to convince himself to stop riding because he HAS to sell his quad in order to survive. Maybe money is tight and he has no choice. The only way he can justify it is to sell his ride and support his family. That is a very nobel and respectable act.

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