Digital camera help...

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#11 Post by Sandstorm »

I went to the wifes store and talked w/ 2 experts who photograph wedding and such. These guys know there shtuff.. They said my setting were correct. It should be taking better pics. They said start w/ a higher quality setting (Fine) I've been useing standard and make the pic bigger also. You get crisper lines and more detail. If you need to size down to fit on a website the picture will get more sharp and clearer.. I have tried every setting in my camera other then the quality w/ no luck. I can't see how size can affect lighting woes.. Anyway they have about 40 types of camera on clearance so I have a huge choice at basement prices if I can't get it right by tonight.. A couple of sales guys said there are much better cameras that are cheaper sitting on the clearance table..:head:

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#12 Post by Derno24 »

Originally posted by TheJaspMan
How would you compare your D70 to others you used? I have really been impressed with that one. And it would work with all my current AF lenses too.

The sun issue is what I am dealing with at Earlywines. The background is such a large flat white space it creates a dark foreground unless I use come kind of compensator.

The D70 is sweet. No lag time between shots. It works just like a regular 35mm camera. Only thing that takes some getting used to is the lens variation. With digital the image is like a 1.2x due to the offset of the chip to the lens. Just a slight adjustment in how you frame the pic will correct that.

As for lighting issues. First if they are experts they would never say fully automatic is the best picture. This is due to the auto feature is a dumbed down way to take photos. No offense to them they may have had other reasons as to why they were saying this. Lighting is tricky sometimes. In Jasps case he has a choice with a point and shoot. Go into the settings adjust sensitivity to make the track look good and wash out the back or try to find ways of getting above the track to shoot down. So the dirt is your background. Auto sensors don't handle brightness the best. Auto will adjust the camera to the brightest object in the frame. That is why the sun has to be behind you. No lights should be hitting the lens. When that happens the iris will open all the way. Making pics look dark.

Sandstorm try this take a pic of something in your house then take a lamp and move it to different positions around the room. and take more pics. you will see how the auto feature crushes light. Even reflections can open the auto iris.

If there is a way I would reset all settings to default and start from there with your camera!

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#13 Post by Sandstorm »

I will try that.. They don't recomend the auto settings. When I'm at the dunes and I see something good to take and I don't have time to fiddle w/ settings. I want to be able to point and shoot and get a good pic. My bro Buddah posted pics of his DVX in the for sale section. I only wish my POS could take a clear pic like that. All my bro's pics come out great w/ his Olympus and all he does is point and shoot.. He says he never has to mess w/ anything to get great pics. He makes fun of my lousy pics and says throw that camera away.. I have to agree w/ him.. I'm gonna lay the :hammer: down on the camera..

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sounds like a lemon

#14 Post by Ryanstones »

with those battery issues. Sell it on ebay:)

prefocusing is required for action shots with digital media.

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#15 Post by Derno24 »

Sorry about that Sandstorm. I am just trying to get you some help. I would honestly look at your settings and make sure they are back to default or stock settings. Sometimes people change them and don't realize it. Then again you may well have a lemon so good luck with whatever you do!

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Re: sounds like a lemon

#16 Post by Derno24 »

Originally posted by Ryanstones
prefocusing is required for action shots with digital media.

If that were only true. I can do it without prefocusing. tricky, but it can be done. Plus with my new D70 if you switch to manual focus and know what you are doing you can follow action better and clearer.

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#17 Post by Ryanstones »

I looked up the D70 Derno, and it's SWEET. Where's the pics man? I mean, if you got such a nice camera?

Maybe you don't really have one?tongue.gif

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#18 Post by cannondale440 »

Its all about the aperture and shutter speed, those 2 things are only settings you need to worry about when taking a picture. O and focus the lens. Say it was a film camera the shutter is what controls how long the film is exposed to the light. Digital cameras work the same way. If your gonna buy a new camera I strongly suggest you find one with those 2 things adjustable. Thats a awsome camera derno, wish i had one too.

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#19 Post by Derno24 »

Originally posted by Ryanstones
I looked up the D70 Derno, and it's SWEET. Where's the pics man? I mean, if you got such a nice camera?

Maybe you don't really have one?tongue.gif

Umm the last couple race reports and the pics from the 12 hr are with that camera!

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