Help me tonight!

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Help me tonight!

#1 Post by jesshamner »

I'm trying to get the cannondale to start tonight. If you want to help or have an idea for me to try, I'll be on chat all night. Jump on and let me know. Just to get you up to speed, I will tell what happened.

At the last race, I had a flat tire in the first 2 miles. I decided to take it slow and just get back to the pits. The engine was hot so I would ride a little and then let it cool off. I did this for another 2 miles until I found the check point. They said I could take the road back which would be the easiest way. I sat there for about 10 to 15 minutes to let it cool again and then made my way to the road. When I got on the road, I got up to about 3rd gear and while I was on the gas, it just quit on me. I couldn't get it started and it didn't take long to run the battery down. It hasn't started since. Before the race it was idling fine and during the race it was idling very very fast. So...I adjusted the idle during the race. I have changed plugs, changed a leaky oring on the gas tank, the flywheel looks ok, there seems to be compression and it seems to be getting gas since the plug is wet when I pull it after cranking. So please help me. Its been over a month since this thing started. I want to ride again.

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#2 Post by speedy911 »

first check the coolant, is it there. second check the impeller. third if the impeller is gone then your in trouble

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#3 Post by Happyboy »

The impellar won't keep it from firing up.

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#4 Post by speedy911 »

even if it had overheated so bad to seize

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#5 Post by Derno24 »

Jess you have the D&M kit? If so redo your idle set-up. I have only had it happen a coulpe times. I adjusted the idle to high and it would crank, but not start. Just something to start with!

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#6 Post by wanablaze »


When my Yammi blew a headgasket, it would idle fast and lost compression. Maybe it did so from overheating?

Good luck, wanablaze.

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#7 Post by jesshamner »

Thanks for your help. The motor didn't seize so I'm not too worried about the coolant. Derno, Jeff Stoess looked at it with the dealer cal and recalibrated it. I guess the idle could still be off but Doug and I are thinking maybe its the timing. Its acting just like it did when the flywheel spun and it was off timing. He's sending me a new one to try so I'll wait and see if that works. I'm not so sure about the headgasket. It could be, but with my hand over the cylinder, it feels like it has good compression. I'm going to try the little stuff before I tear into the motor. I tried to pull the injectors to see if they were spraying right but I couldn't get the injectors out. I might try that again later.

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#8 Post by Canniboomer »

Have you checked the coil? They have been known to deteriorate from heat -- the overheating may be an impeller or bleed problem.

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#9 Post by Derno24 »

When did Jeff recal? Also if you adjusted the idle after this by alot you may have just gone a little too far.

MX Quad Dad
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#10 Post by MX Quad Dad »

Flywheel sounds like a good possibility

Don't forget the Cannondale basics, "grounds" I know if your getting fuel this most likely is not the problem, but if mine sputters once I clean the grounds

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