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#1 Post by SECCRS »

I have been working on the site in my off time. But it is up. Nothing fancy And the forums should be working.

Any input let me know


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#2 Post by cdalerider75 »

I knew it was only a matter of time...:clap: :clap: :clap:

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#3 Post by theJeStEr1340 »

Can you change the colors the black on red is kinda hard to read. Or make it bold. (this is on the forums list)

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#4 Post by Derno24 »

One question. Do we really need another forum?

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#5 Post by Jaybr »

I owned that name for the last year, just let it expire a couple months ago.

It used to take you here:)

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#6 Post by Happyboy »

I hate to say it but I agree with Derno. I don't see why we don't combine with cannondalers but they do have 2 different owners. Cannondaler doesn't seem to have as many lively conversations and for some reason there are people that are dedicated to 1 site or the other, me I like it here. smile.gif

And 1 other thing, ATK quads are still cannondales. They have just been relabeled. We don't want to segragate them or us do we?

Now, don't let us get you down on the site. I think the site is definately a good thing, especially the last picture on the front page. Maybe the forum could just link here though?

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#7 Post by haydug »

I know and also used to take you to this site. Jay gave up atkriders, and didn't take long for someone to jump on that, wonder how long it will take for dinliriders to come alive?

Let me save you some trouble, I'll sell you this site!!

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#8 Post by Happyboy »

Originally posted by haydug
Let me save you some trouble, I'll sell you this site!!


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#9 Post by SECCRS »

I have been coming to this site for a while. As well as the other 200 sites. I did a search and seen it was available. I only paid $4.95 or it. I am not looking to make money nor get rich off it. ( I wish I could)

As I say this is something I played with on my off time and thats all. I am not web master you can clearly see that by the design.

I am working as a REP for ATK and thought it would be neat if ATK had its own site. Thats all.


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#10 Post by Derno24 »

Trust me I am not bashing your idea so don't take me wrong. I don't think anyone here is doing that. We are just stating that with such a small and close family there isn't enough of us to support 3 sites. Hopefully ATK will take off and then we will all have enough. Sorry if I came off as a hater!

And Doug you aren't selling nothing! You are stuck with us from now until the end or at least you open up Haydug's day care!

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