This is B.S.

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This is B.S.

#1 Post by kevin00 »

Nebraska ATV registration bill

I know several states have already passed registrations and the like but this proposal is boderline insanity.
-All atv and dirt bikes must be registered w/ plates
-Still no riding on public roads and highways. exception of farmers and ranchers
-NO MONEY goes to trails or new riding areas. for how big the state is there should be way more places to ride to begin with.
-Insurance is Required (although will probably be scratched off the bill)
-plus many other bad details like no kids can ride on public land etc. etc. etc.
Has any of your guys states tried to pass a junk bill like this one??? Several people are going to get a letter from me.
The real sad thing is that this bill is sponsered by people who are suspossed to be on are side.
I think this bill will get shot down but anything is possible.

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#2 Post by OCR »

Sorry bro, but New York has had this for 15 years. Same B.S. AND our great governer just proposed a bill that will raise our registration from $10 to $45 w no added trails or privileges.

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#3 Post by cannondale27 »

It is a never ending battle almost everywhere.Cant let it go though.People like you writing letters does make a difference though.Go get em!

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#4 Post by cannondale27 »

They just raised our fees here also.Justified it with more enforcement and training.Not bad things but we already have millions of dollars in registration fees that are left every year and every year they take it and fund some totally unrelated program or it just dissappears.

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#5 Post by OCR »

Ours goes into the "General fund" so it is used for whatever they feel like... never related to ATV's:mad:

I think something like this happened in the late 1700's- "No taxation without representation" I may be wrong though:rolleyes:

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#6 Post by CptHook »

Sounds like the way its been in Maine for a while

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#7 Post by Exodus »

Here is some good news for you Kevin. NOHVA is stepping up to the plate and lobbying to defeat that bill and one other like it that is going to be on the floor. There is a third bill that is good for us, it lets landowners open there land to public riding without fear of liability. And that bill NOHVA is supporting. If all goes well, we could end up with a lot of trails here in NE. All the letters you send help a bunch, you would be suprised how much weight they hold. Keep up the good fight.

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