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#1 Post by jwheat »

Doubled into a 60ft triple this weekend......overshot it and flat landed between the last two jumps...seat bounced over the third jump.....right foot went between the nerf bar netting and the frame and was under the bike when I landed over the last jump! Thank God for riding boots. Just a bad sprain and not a broken ankle.

My buddies thought I was trying to do tricks later day because I would hit the jumps and pull my right foot off the peg before I landed! :eek: Can't let a little thing like sprain keep you from ridng your quad!biggrin.gif

Moral of the story......If you don't have a good pair of riding boots....get some!

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#2 Post by theJeStEr1340 »

Man, it isn't a good weekend, I wa shavign an awsoem day at the track really getting comfortable hitting things faster than usual and clearing a lot more and then I blew my rear shock.

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#3 Post by KRMit »

Yeah, tell me about it... bad weekend. It was my first day on the track with my Cannon and one of the front bearings apparently exploded, damaging the swinger. :cry:

jwheat's ankle looked pretty bad Saturday and I think it's worse now. That was a bad triple. Not enough traction to triple it, and it would kick you funny if you doubled it. I've got a low-res pic of Billy tripling it I'll have to post.

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#4 Post by Craig_C »

I was trail riding/racing with some friends, nailed a huge roll of hog fence with my right front, threw me about 15 feet. I laughed, asked if anyone saw it (of course nobody did) rolled the Dale back over and was back at it!

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#5 Post by KRMit »

Originally posted by KRMit
I've got a low-res pic of Billy tripling it I'll have to post.

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