why why...

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why why...

#1 Post by Rookiex »

WTF....I remember when people all wanted dales....Like they could'nt WAIT to get the grubby lil paws on them...They would trade decked out R's an EX's for them stock or near stock..

I mean you guys remember you have had them longer than me...You all did'nt wanna trade them everyone wanted one...You did'nt wanna sell them....I remember coming here all the time wantin to trade my decked out ex for a STOCK ONE an ya all was like...NO NO fckyamama go away child...lol...

Now all people do is TALK TRASH on them....its like WOW...wut a change

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#2 Post by Psychosis »

I know what you mean. I heard they went bankrupt and I starting trying to jump on board. I didn't bail like the others did. At other forums I'm on people all said they wish they could get one and when they closed, guess what happened? Suddenly the Raptor, Predator, 400's, and virtually every other quad was better! I confronted them and they seem t say that they just "changed their minds"!

You should find something and stick true to it. Why would anyone put down the only true American made quads? Then they all claim that they're overpriced. Well ya, they're overpriced, compared to a Raptor or soemthing. But you get way more than you'd get and it's cost atleast another $10k to equal one. Give me a break! Just venting....

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#3 Post by dawzie »

Let them losers sell cheap. I'm buying another for next to nothing just for parts. In our first national race this past weekend my son took 1st in amature production and 4th in "A" 4 stroke. It was tough for me to do all the updates before the race. I was never in a quad motor before. Know what, I would do it again with no problem.

I'm thinking about buying that South Bay Moto motor from James, if that thing runs as strong as they claim, WOW wink.gif

I feel this is a winning quad that will be around a long time, just like the "R". The only part we might not be able to replace is the motor cases. I'm hoping for two things. Someone buys C-dale AND the KTM motor can be made to fit.

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#4 Post by Rookiex »

Yea....I can tell you that my new dale is thrice the quad my ex was...AN I LOVED MY EX....seems like people are kickin the big DOG why its down....I PRY THAT CDALE COMES BACK so the big dog can get up an kick some Chawawa arse!

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