Out for a bit

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Out for a bit

#1 Post by Sandstorm »

i had a bad getoff at the dunes yesterday i was leading the wife and bro to our warm up spot its one of many tracks we have made i don't know what happened but suddenly i woke up on the sand i couldn't move i kept saying to the bro and wife i just need a minute they said you said that a dozen times and i's been over 30 minutes my bro took his quad back and hopped in my truck and drove to the blm entance pay booth 6 miles away they hauled me off the dunes on a straight board
the meat wagon met the rail and off to the hospital i have a broken wrist buddah says he does't know how i could crash where i did i was all arse and legs i have no recolection of what happened as i was knocked out for about a minute i am so sore i can't even move i'll be ready for the june dune ride

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#2 Post by Sage »

They are going to have to update the accident board. They were up to six days with out an accident untill yesterday. I saw your truck, but never could find you. That sucks. I saw the meat wagon driving off and wondered what poor soul was in it. I will have to ride with you when you are fixed. I have my dale running perfect now. I figured out what the map select does, but have no idea what map's are on it. I put a new battery in it and the bike ran hard for 2 days, no problems at all. It was just the battery and not the stator before. Sorry, hope you get felling better

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#3 Post by cannondale27 »

Aw that stinks.You must have really hit your head.Throw your helmet away.It worked.Take it easy till we get there.Cant have our guide getting hurt.Get well soon.

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#4 Post by wistech »

Sorry to hear that. Sometimes the wierdest stuff comes up and bites you when you least expect it. Get some rest and find the nearest hottub.

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#5 Post by TraumaRN »

Originally posted by wistech
find the nearest hottub.

No heat for the first 48 hours!!!
Ice packs are your friend!
Ditch the helmet, sounds like it did it's job well, but only made for a single impact.
Glad to hear you are okay!

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#6 Post by wistech »

Your righto there chief. Wait till the swelling goes down before the hut tub. He should keep the swelling down with something cold ...like a six pack.

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#7 Post by jwheat »

Ice the swelling for a day or two. Once it starts to go down, get in a hot bath with about 3-4 cups of epson salt. It will help draw the blood out of the bruised muscles and tissue and that will relieve some of the soreness. I've broke just about everything you can imagine....my neck, both my feet, and a whole bunch of things in between, along with about 200 stitches. I know about how to get rid of soreness!!

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#8 Post by NRath »

Sorry to hear that, Sandstorm. I hope you have a good and easy recovery!

I know that kind of accident all too well. I was ripping around at JayBr's place on his quad and next thing I knew, I was no longer on the quad and it was upright in the weeds. Unfortuantely, nobody saw what happened. But my bell was certainly rung. I still have absolutely no memory of the accident or most of that day for that matter. Fortunately for me, I had no other physical injuries. It did cost me a few hours in the hospital and a new subframe, though. Did you end up with any quad damage?

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#9 Post by kdeal »

Sandstorm.....Get well soon.

Treat yourself to a new helmet, dude. The old one is now retired.

Time to practice your one arm curls.....:drink:

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#10 Post by acarli3 »

So, did your wife or buddah see what happened at all? Hope you heal quickly. We were down there a couple of weeks ago. We'd go this week but the rain may delay that and we are going to Moab next week anyways and I swapped all the tires on the quads out already.

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