how to post pics?

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how to post pics?

#1 Post by lilchampro1 »

can anyone tell me how i can post pics on the site if not can someone do it for me ????

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Joined: Wed Mar 10, 2021 10:41 pm

#2 Post by CptHook »

Take all the pictures you want to post and dump them into a folder somewhere easy to get to, i.e. The desktop or the root of C: Make sure the photos are named before hand to make finding the one you want easier.
When you go to create your post, go down to the bottom where it says "Attach file:" and click the "Browse..." button, from here you just click through the directory tree until you get to you folder that you stored the photos in. Just double click the folder and then the image you want to post (You will need to know the name of the image before hand). Once you select the photo it will bring you back to the create post screen and you will see that the field next to the browse button is filled in with the path to your image file. You are now good to submit it.

If you are like most people, the image you will be trying to post will be too big. If this is the case, it will tell you this and tell you that the post failed to create. This means you will need to use either "Paint" or some third party program (photoshop) to resize your image to allow you to post it. If you are using paint just open up you image and select the whole thing and then drag the bottom right corner to make it smaller or larger, once you do this you may save it and try reposting again. Chances are you will have to attempt this more than once to get it down to spec, so I would recommend rename it something different each time so you are creating a new file, and you will still ahve the original photo if you mess it up. Resizing the same pic over and over tends to distort the image. I dont remember the maximum file size, but it will tell you when you try to post it, and it comes back with the error message. To check if your photo is within this file size before going through the hassle of bringing the page back up and attempting to re-post it, right-click on the image file and then move to properties. Look at the "Size on Disk:" field, and this will tell you how big the photo is.

If after all this you can figure out how to post the image but cant get them down to the right size, just shoot them to me or someone on this forum and we will resize them and post them for you. Hope that was what you were looking for.

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