Got my new Cannondale!!!

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Got my new Cannondale!!!

#1 Post by Killer_Shee »

I picked my '03 Cannondale Cannibal up yesterday and had Colby from C&D look it over and show a little about the quads.

He pointed out that my quad needs the motor mount update--is this available from any vendors, or do I need to get a piece of aluminum tubing and make the part myself?

He also informed me of taking the side cover off and checking all the bolts around the crank area and applying loctite to them. I plan on dropping the motor this weekend and doing what needs to be done before I ever take it out and ride it. What else should I look into doing while the motor is dropped?

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#2 Post by yamadjs08 »

Just wondering, are you 'nebraskashee' or something like that on ebay? I think I know which quad you got, that one in Cresent Iowa? Just wondering, that seemed like a clean quad, I was planning on bidding on it when it was around 2k, but it went higher. Congrats on the new Cannondale, should be a sweet quad!:head:

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#3 Post by Killer_Shee »

Originally posted by yamadjs08
Just wondering, are you 'nebraskashee' or something like that on ebay? I think I know which quad you got, that one in Cresent Iowa? Just wondering, that seemed like a clean quad, I was planning on bidding on it when it was around 2k, but it went higher. Congrats on the new Cannondale, should be a sweet quad!:head:

That would be me, and that would be my quad! It is in need of a little clean up, but other than that it appears to be pretty clean. When Colby was looking it over he commented that it didn't appear to have much time on it. I think I did alright. I didn't want to spend that much on it, but it was within driving distance for me and I just decided to bid what I needed to win it. I am looking forward to getting the updates in it and getting it out in the dunes. I am hoping to have it ready to go for Memorial Day weekend!

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#4 Post by cdalepilot »

why not just ride it ? why mess with the motor if you don't have to? :eek:

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#5 Post by Happyboy »

Originally posted by cdalepilot
why not just ride it ? why mess with the motor if you don't have to? :eek:

ROFL....its called preventative maintanance. Why do people have to wait till something breaks to get into the motor.

Killer_Shee, welcome to the site man. Sounds like you have the right mindset going into this. Get into the motor and get it updated before you don't have a choice but to do it. There are a few different updates you can do when you have the motor out. All depends on how deep you want to dig.

If it were me, I would do 100% of all the updates so you don't have to worry about them later. Other people may tell you just to ride it and don't sweat it. You may never have a problem, or you could have a failure, no way of knowing. If you want details just ask and we can dig deeper into it.

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#6 Post by Exodus »

Congrats on the Cannondale, Nebraska's up to four now that I know of. Were gaining on you PA! LOL Welcome to the site, I seen that bike to and thought about giving it a shot. I think I have another one bought though:) but time will tell.

Colby knows what hes doing with Cannondales, he biult mine when it was his. So he knows his way around them.

If your ever out in this part of the country, let me know, not often I get to ride with another Dale.

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#7 Post by Killer_Shee »

Originally posted by Happyboy
ROFL....its called preventative maintanance.  Why do people have to wait till something breaks to get into the motor.

Killer_Shee, welcome to the site man.  Sounds like you have the right mindset going into this.  Get into the motor and get it updated before you don't have a choice but to do it.  There are a few different updates you can do when you have the motor out.  All depends on how deep you want to dig.  

If it were me, I would do 100% of all the updates so you don't have to worry about them later.  Other people may tell you just to ride it and don't sweat it.  You may never have a problem, or you could have a failure, no way of knowing.  If you want details just ask and we can dig deeper into it.

Details, yes I want details!!!

About the motor mount update--is it a piece I can buy, or do I have to fab it??


What part of Nebraska are you from? I live clear out here in the sticks of the Panhandle--about 15 miles from the Wyoming border.

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#8 Post by CptHook »

Motor mount you can get from doug something like 25-30 bucks. Check For stage 8 also, you can do this without dropping the motor, Just pull off the clutch cover and look up and to the left inside the case (about 9-10 o clock) and look for a single dark allen bolt head, this bolt looks exactley like the ones holding the face of your clutch basket on, so it shouldnt be too hard to find. If you have a stage 8 kit this bolt will have some sort of fastener around the head of the bolt, if it is just flush with the surface than you do not have the stage 8. The picture shows what bolts with the stage 8 fasteners look like, these are the tear shaped fasteners around the bolts all over the inside of the case. The large yellow circle is about what your clutch cover will hide, and then the small circle shows the bolt you should be able to see (I circled two because I cant remember which one it is). You will probably need to chalk that up on the list as well if you dont have it, that runs about 100 bucks. There are plenty more that are fairly cheap to do such as switching to waterless coolant. But for now I must go to sleep because it is 1am and I have a final tomorrow for my Network Engineering class at 8am. Im sure others will post more updates you can do/look for. BTW Welcome to the site!

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#9 Post by CptHook »

Forgot pic

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#10 Post by 61austin »

I would suggest Z400 bearing update, my 02 cannibal was rebuilt by cannondale in 03 so I thought it would be alright, but I am paying for it now.

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