Out for a bit

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#11 Post by Sandstorm »

thanks for the response guys......... the wife or buddah did not see what happened........... they were behind me...... i must have been looking backward and off a 3-6 ft dune i went........... from my pain i must of landed on my left side and my head as my neck is horrible and my head now has a tender spot ......... the doc said you could be in a body bag if you werent wearing your helmet so look on the bright side....... i tried epson salt bath tonight........... i m starting to bruise...... i'll be back kicking arse and taking names shortly ........ i hope to make some dvds of the dunes while i am off

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#12 Post by jwheat »

Keep up the epson salt baths...it'll help draw the pooled up blood out of the bruising and that'll help reduce the soreness. Hurry up and get well...we need some pics of you dune jumping!

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#13 Post by cdalepilot »

get well soon dude.:drink:

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#14 Post by wanablaze »

Tough luck, man. I hope you heal up quickly. Keep up the good attitude and remember: "It happens to the best of us..."

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#15 Post by TraumaRN »

Corrected to avoid mental picture of blood being leached out of a bruise and into the bath water. :wow
Epsom Salt or Magnesium Sulfate at high levels can produce a muscle relaxing effect, a major cause of pain after wrecks. The soaks won't help the bruise per se, but will help chill out the muscles spasming below!!!

Originally posted by jwheat
Keep up the epson salt baths...it'll help draw the pooled up blood out of the bruising and that'll help reduce the soreness.

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#16 Post by jwheat »

TraumaRN is correct....I didn't mean to make it sound like the blood would be drawn out into the bath water....but the heat and epson salt do relax the muscles and that allows for the pooled up blood to spread out of the constricted area it is pooled in.

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