Beating a dead horse........................Maz?

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#11 Post by cannondale27 »

Its pretty quiet over there.Seems like this time Maz is on his own.

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#12 Post by wanablaze »

Speed, did you get your money back? If so, how'd ya do it?

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#13 Post by Speed03 »

I will go and get my private messages now from him over on the other forum and air the issues out over here, so all of his buddies over here can see what his word is good for.

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#14 Post by Speed03 »

From: MAZmx248
To: speed03
Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 11:28 am
Subject: MAZ
I want very much to make this right w/ you....
Please provide me w/ a telephone number that I may contact you.
You may say anything on these forums that you like, please remember that I am quite a reasonable person, your professionalism in this matter will be greatly rewarded. If my memory serves me correctly, you are the person that lead me around to the backside of someones trailer by my shirt collar at Jay's ride in VA. I have not forgotten you by any streatch of the imagination, Not hearing from you for quite a long time was confusing, and I would not know where to send your exhaust to.
At this point, I would like very much to just refund your money, plus something for your trouble OR replace the FMF exhaust w/ an HMF.

I will do whatever I need to to make this right, threats about the better business bureau will not help in anyway to make this go smoother, nor will multiple posts to the world on this site.

Please don't take any of this as me being a smart-a$$, I want to do the right thing here... I am wondering why you have not emailed me about this before resorting to the posts here on
Even a private message for gosh's sakes.
I am not hiding from anyone.
-waiting for your response.

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excuse number #1

#15 Post by Speed03 »

I dont know that I have a system...
At one time I did, the only complete system I LENT to a friend
that needed something to make a few nationals, I am sure it is no longer in a good condition.
More than likely a refund is what you will get.
Seriously, I just got home yesterday, and I spent what was left of that day with my boys.
Today is my first day back in PA, without family commitments.
pm me next time, or I promise no response.

I like the above statement lol.....
here comes the excuses......

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excuse number #2

#16 Post by Speed03 »

MAZ, The only thing I would like is an exhaust because at this point I'm not able to ride my bike due someone else getting it up on the rear grab bar which smashed my canister. When I bought this exhaust from you, I had only a small problem with a chip out of canister it was just cosmetic at that point now it is "broke". I am open for suggestions how to make this right at this point, but it needs to be done quickly as I'm unable to race at this point.

Honestly, I have tried to contact you via phone and email, no luck so I was left with no other choice but to try and get some of friends to assist in locating you. At this point I need something to replace my exahust with or my money back so I can pursue another ways of purchasing another exhaust. HMF pipe is another option but I'm looking at alot of money in that upgrade.

PLEASE keep me abreast of what is your decision how to resolve this matter effectively and fairly.

I'll would like to have my money back I guess.. please send me a PM when the money is the mail and how it was sent. I need to buy a new exhaust I guess. It sucks that this had to end this way! I wasted another 2 weeks waiting on something you promised in front of all the members but I'm ok with it... just tell me should I except to see the money or not?


From: MAZmx248
To: speed03
Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 6:50 pm
Subject: Re: yet again....
I told you I needed to get home, and then deal w/ this.
You jumped me by posting something on the Forum today.
I feel you didnt give me much of a chance since we spoke about this not more than 2 weeks ago.
I will refund your money.

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excuse number #3

#17 Post by Speed03 »

From: MAZmx248
To: speed03
Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 10:07 am
Subject: Re: yet again....
Im real sorry, But I guess now you are aware of what a system costs.
The Ti system goes for about 800.00 new.
And even the reasonable HMF goes for 450.00.
I will refund your money over the course of the next week.

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No More Excuses

#18 Post by Speed03 »

But, I haven't seen him, heard from him. I know there is no place for someone one like him in my book and in the Cannondale community.... Did he commit sucide over alittle debt, geez did that drive him over the edge???

I do know for a FACT that my little debt is nothing, I have sources that says he owes them big money!! I think it finally all surfaced and its coming to a head.....

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#19 Post by bphillman »

Well boys and girls, at this point I too am having no luck in getting hold of him. I did tell him of all the messages from people that had contacted me (including you Big Dog) but all I was able to do was be the messenger. I have now taken it on myself to do the rebuilds on the 3 dales left in my garage and move on.

We at cannondaler have moved on from this. I hope he is ok. And as wlll, I hope all of you owed parts and $$ get what you are owed.

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#20 Post by GDITheman »

wow, if hillman can't get a hold of him, then i am worried. i know hillman took pretty strong stand in favor of maz. I am sorry to hear he has let you down also.

i think if we heard from everyone with problems, the number and depth of the issues would be more than i can imagine.

maybe you guys with unresolved issues can team up and share legal costs.

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