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Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 2:53 am
by cdalemx301
I heard an interview with George Loucas on the radio he was talking about how he cant wait to be done with star wars its been 20 years of his life and he is sick of it lol....i havent seen any of the new ones have no real desire to not into those movies but i heard they have good effects

Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 4:43 am
by Exodus
Talk about bummed out. I got off work at 5, drove by the threator. There was nobody there, so I went home to eat and take a shower. I was suppose to meet a friend of mine sometime later and go see it. He called at 7 and said that there was about 6 people waiting in line. I needed to get my wifes bike together so I went to work on it. At 9 he called and said that we should probably hit the threator. So I left, went into town and met him there. We stood in line until 11:35 and all the s*** hit fan. The line started moving, then stopped, nobody seemed to fired up. Then everyone realized the first guy in the door bought out the entire theator. Thats right 120 tickets at 12 bucks apiece. Bought the whole load! Boy was I P.O.ed, I stood there for 3 hrs to see this guy walk in and buy the whole show. So I havent seen it yet, I have to wait until Mon now. Kinda bummed.

Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 7:57 am
by pdavis
ummmm i will wait for the DVD, i have surround sound, let me guess...anikin skywalker becomes vader ...close?

Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 6:19 pm
by scooter-crusher
Have not watched a single episode, don`t plan on it. That stuff seems like little kid crap to me.