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Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 12:32 pm
by cdalerider75
Originally posted by kdeal
Back when I was in school (horse drawn buses back then), our parents would applaud the bus driver, now everyone wants to sue.

There were schools back then???:confused:

Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 1:29 pm
by Happyboy
Poor bus driver.....kid needed to get the crap kicked out of him after he hit the driver. Grabbing the kid like that may have seemed too much but if you look at what he did after he grabbed him it wasn't all that bad. He just pulled him to his other side so he didn't get smacked in the back. Then he got hit in the face by the kid in the back.

Man, kids are babied now a days. Little Johnny doen't get hit. He gets put in time out. Now you have emotionally scarred him for life, aka scarying this crap out of him.

Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 4:44 am
by CDaleChick
the kids were out of line, but that bus driver had no right to wrap his hands around the kids throat or any of that. I can't believe that even happened. That guy really needed to control himself, bc he should have known he would have to deal with little nitwit kids all day long, its practically part of the job description as a bus driver, not all the kids will love you or say nice things. Both kids and driver were at fault though, I see it from both angles....glad I never had to witness something like that when I went to school.

Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 6:21 am
by azcannon
I would not be happy if that was my kid. That bus driver didn't need to do most of that and shouldn't have touched a kid that wasn't his. All the boys that confronted and attacked him need some " parent time " or juvenile hall.
I think that was dumb meets dumber . and the dummies won.
I would go nuts if my kid decided to behave that way and again would go nuts if the bus driver grabbed my kid. Thank goodness I raise my kids so they would never do anything like that. I would be angry at the driver/school if my child was on that bus AND want some reassurances they put controls in place to prevent from reoccuring again thats for sure.

Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 10:18 am
by TraumaRN
SIMPLY PUT YOURSELF IN THE PROTAGAGONSTTS SHOES. all else after falls into line....

In charge of safety of ALL thoe on the bus, and a couple of kids challenge authority. no big deal, until the driver heads to the back and is ATTACKED, yes ATTACKED, look at the video, and is forced to deal with the situation at hand. the moral ramificatons are clear from the younger crowd (you must'nt hit children), but the LEGAL ramifications are even clearer. Child chraged with a FELONY aggravated assault by the DA.

Take away your parental prejudice, if you are able, and respond to the threat at hand. NO WRONG WAS DONE.


Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 10:24 am
by TraumaRN
Originally posted by azcannon

I would go nuts if my kid decided to behave that way and again would go nuts if the bus driver grabbed my kid. Thank goodness I raise my kids so they would never do anything like that.

Thank god there are those of us who see this.....

Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 8:13 pm
by twisted
He's just lucky that wasnt a highschool bus, they woulda pounded him like a pancake. I think he went to far.

Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 12:35 am
by azcannon
Originally posted by twisted
He's just lucky that wasnt a highschool bus, they woulda pounded him like a pancake. I think he went to far.

I had crappy bus drivers when I was in school and I was kicked off the bus multiple times for problems with kids and such , and I dreaded seeing my dad when I got home , I don't think kids care anymore what their parents think.
I knew my dad would have the worse punishment of all and no school discipline would compare.
Too bad this is'nt the case anymore

Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 1:54 am
by Jaybr
Originally posted by azcannon
I knew my dad would have the worse punishment of all and no school discipline would compare.
Too bad this is'nt the case anymore

It's still the case at my house:hammer:

I'm not one of those time out guys, never have been. My kids are about grown now, but never had any major problems with them.

I went to a private school for a couple years when I was in middle school. Every teacher had a paddle, and used it freely. I had several broken against my backside, and for simple things like talking in class.

Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 2:47 am
by azcannon
Originally posted by Jaybr
It's still the case at my house:hammer:

I went to a private school for a couple years when I was in middle school.  Every teacher had a paddle, and used it freely.  I had several broken against my backside, and for simple things like talking in class.

That's funny I remember 8th grade the teacher would give you the option of a paddle or call your DAD and I don't know one kid who did'nt take the paddle over the phone call.
Maybe the fact that parents don't spank anymore has made the kids unaware of physical punishment and thats why they do the whole gun thing because they are too afraid to get in a fight or actually deal with the consequences of their mistakes.
Too bad they never link up a Dad's affect when they are giving the kids to the exwife along with your paycheck.