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Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2003 7:41 pm
by LapTraffic
I dont know enough about the class structure to put my name in any particular hat, I think I heard someone mention that they run the lesser classes in the monrning and the higher levels second.

It might be a good idea to run the early race (i think class B and lower) but I definitely do not want to sand bag, and personally I dont care about winning, I just want to run hard. What I dont want to do is be a problem for pro riders just getting in their way.

So I havent decided yet.

What about you guys?

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2003 8:48 pm
by ppogue
Hey guys, I am going for the old geezer +30 class at Washougal. At least that way I don't get smoked by young punks. Even though there are some pretty fast old guys riding 250Rs and banshees. They don't have a displacement limitation.

Tricity, missed the first Devol round. I race with one of those guys at woodland and he is **** fast if he gets in front of you. I plan on making the rest of the Devol series though. I heard he puts on a great race. You should go to woodland this weekend, it's the last one for this year.

Lap, I am pretty sure the practice at woodland starts at 9am saturday, so get there early if you can. The track gets pretty thrashed towards the end of the day.

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2003 8:54 pm
by LapTraffic
Being over 30 I will throw my hat in that ring at washougal, sounds like a good way to go.

I get in late Friday Night. Ive got some minor work to do to the bike, then we'll leave at about 5am for Woodland to try to get there before 8am

I just bought a 600 dollar truck (1970 ford ISYN) so I want to take my time a bit. ****, it'll be an adventure and Ill hopefully see you by sunday!

I plan on getting a local Hotel, wife is going to take pictures and prevent me from buying stuff.

Look forward to meeting you, please give me a headstart! It's my first time smile.gif

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2003 9:21 pm
by ppogue
Can do lap. Don't get too tired on saturday, I have done that a few times and can barly get up the next day to race.

If I don't talk to you before then. I will show up saturday night and always park about as far away as you can from the intrance. Black suburban pulling a 26 foot weekend warrior. Or just look for the only other c-dale.

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2003 1:07 am
by TricityCdale
+ 30 sounds good to me too. I've been racing against all these young punks over here and let me tell you...........oh to be 16 again!!!

I would love to make it to Woodland this weekend, but there is a GP style race at Goldendale put on by the

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2003 1:27 am
by J. Delaney
Hey guys, I'm in Vancouver which is half way between Washougal and Woodland. What do you think of doing a Sand Lake run?? It's about an hour and a half from Portland. If you guys are gonna be in town for some MX stuff, we could make a day trip of it.

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2003 1:29 am
by J. Delaney
Oh yeah, Email me so we can arrange a time to get together when you are in town for MX.


Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2003 1:59 am
by ppogue
Hey J,
sorry none of us got back to you. Show up at the WORCS race at Washougal on May 18th. Should be a few of us C-dales there. Let me or LAP know and we can arrange a all C-dale pits.

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2003 8:28 am
by J. Delaney
Hey, that sounds great! If my little pea brain could just remember to get my butt down to the mx track on the 18th.......

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2003 11:00 pm
by jake1981
So has anybody come up with a date for the ride over to Moses yet? That sounds like fun. I hope all you local Dale riders are going to Sand Fest starting July 31 I think. We'll be there representing for sure.