Crank bearing rumors.

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#11 Post by CannondaleRider »

Thats the thing, he delt with them when they WERE money pits, and not now when they are reliable machines. So it is possible for him to just blurt out something about the Z400 bearing being bad, just because he's f*ckin stupid enough to believe that its impossible to make Cannondales reliable.

Yeah, nobody can know for sure whether he started the rumor or not, but the Z400 bearing is nothing but good, *so someone has to be starting rumors when they don't know what there talking about.*

*Just that last sentence will make most people think of Winky.......really says something about his character doesn't it.:mad:

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#12 Post by azcannibal »

I have had engine work done by Jim's shop and he stands behind his work and has always been there for me. I like Jim Winky and it's to bad he has to be attacked everytime his name comes up. No one's perfect! You have to give him an E- for effort for thinking out of the box on trying to make these engines more reliable.

I want to thank "Wisetech", "Timbomoose", "Haydug", "Cdale27" for there contributions to our CDALE community for helping us all make the best of what we have better. I know I'm forgetting some others.

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#13 Post by Happyboy »

This is garbage. Winky doesn't deal with cannondales anymore for a reason, his rep got shot to ****. I had a kid up in St. Louis telling me that he had his motor work done by Winky and it failed within 10 hours. Bad thing was, he didn't blame Jim at all!! And then Jim told him afterward that nothing could be done to make the dale motor reliable and that even the Z400 bearings were failing. And that is directly quoting him. This kid BELIEVED the Z400 bearings were failing becuase of what Jim Said. So yeah, he does more to hurt than help.

And just to show I don't always bash here is what I normally say about Wink. Wink's only problems from what I can tell is
1) lieing about what works and what doesn't.
2) Using customers as test dummies without them knowing it
3) Quality of the work fell to crap

His R&D on the other hand was top notch. He spent tons of time and money trying to get these things running better. He made some good products also. Others wouldn't have done it but he did.

I personally think that Winky's pride got the best of him. He couldn't figure out how to get the crank's running good and refused to admit that a simple task of changing hte bearing worked pretty darned well. Noone has ever said the Z400 is the end all fix for the motors. We have just all said they run really well and don't see the wear on them like we did the stockers.

Jim is the only person on this continent that has openly said they have seen a Z400 bearing fail. Now, how is it that there are probobly over 100 bearings out there running right now and not a single one has popped up on the forums? Conspiracy? Doubt it.

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#14 Post by wistech »

Im not saying the Z400 bearing is the perfect fix but heck when you cant find a single failed one what are we suposed to think.

Ive taken 3 cranks back apart for inspection with no wear problems . One was in an engine that ran with no oil until the wrist pin siezed and wiped out the piston and yet the rod bearing was still intact and reused. Pics are on the Halls of Destruction thread for all to see.

I see how you guys feel about Winky but the latest calls Ive recieved were rumors spread about another well known shop that I will not name out of respect till I speak to them personally.

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#15 Post by cdalepilot »


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