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Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 7:21 pm
by quadman22
i agree that the flaggers did a very good job as far as flagging is concerned and i know that u should never go up and touch anbody that has a head/neck injury because it can possibly lead to paralyzation but all im saying is someone should have gone to see if he was atleast concious. u dont haver to touch him but u can make verbal contact.

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 7:37 pm
by cannondale27
The only thing I saw wrong with flagging was the lack of a Medical flag till the end.All racers I know respect the medical flag and you are supposed to have both on hand.But you also have to understand that the flagger in chair at top of double cannot always be looking after the jump he has to watch approaching riders also.Seeing the next few guys also getting crooked off that jump probably made him hesitant to stand up since he would be closer to getting hit by one going sideways.As a flagger I know you can never do enough.But you always have to look out for yourself first since it wouldnt do anyone any good to have two injured people out there.That was just a really bad situation no fault for anyone.Hope it never happens again.

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 8:14 pm
by USAMoto00
I will try and post updates as I receive them. Hopefully KGD57 will post some too, he was on his way down there last night to be there for Ryan and his family.:clap:

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 12:01 am
by JST
why can I not get the vid to work?or should i say howdo i get it to work?

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 3:00 am
by jwheat
Any updates on this guys injuries or condition??

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 4:05 pm
by CdaleRacer0128
He shou ld be home now, as of yesterday he was on his way home doing very well recovering quickly from every opsticle he was confronted with.. There is a donation at in the open forum stickied by Quadjunkies, please donate something to help this guy out!

paypal fund setup

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 4:21 pm
by badvox
There was a paypal setup to collect as well. Its listed there as well towards the bottom. I know this was a horrible accident
and I also took the opportunity to teach my son a valuable lesson.

He is 10 and wants to race real bad. I am going to let him but he has yet to have a bad crash. I want him to know the real dangers of this sport without having to learn about it first hand.

My heart goes out to that tough kid and his family. So glad he is home now.


Originally posted by CdaleRacer0128
He shou ld be home now, as of yesterday he was on his way home doing very well recovering quickly from every opsticle he was confronted with.. There is a donation at in the open forum stickied by Quadjunkies, please donate something to help this guy out!

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 6:32 pm
by jwheat
What were his injuries?

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 12:13 am
by CdaleRacer0128
..everybone in his face was broken except his jaw. eye sockets were swolen at the time but have since gotten much better. He refused treatment at the track, and wanted to go watch KGD57's son ride ( good friend with each other and race teammates). His uncle works at the vanderbilt medicine center and told him to be airlifted there, which he was and where he found the significance of his injuries..

I'm positive ryan will be out there next season ready to rip!:usa :hammer: :head:

Re: was it just me

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 1:08 am
by TheJaspMan
Originally posted by MyCannibal
or did one of the riders run over his leg too.....and i agree with lap traffic....unless you are highly trained you don't touch this person...u could make the situation worse very easy......when it comes to moving something out of the way it was actually smart to move the quad and not the injured person.

You saw right. His leg got run over. And do you know why? Because although the flaggers were doing a FANTASTIC job the racers were not slowing down and giving way.

National or not it was obvious there was a problem.

Many national racers complain about the flaggers, but when they actually do their part the racers ignore them. See the irony?