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Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 11:46 pm
by quadman22
just started classes today at WSC. so far its been awesome! i love college. gonna be a fun next 4 years... maybe 5 if i have too much fun:(

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 2:40 am
by theJeStEr1340
Originally posted by XCDale
Same here.  Everything has been going pretty well.  Calculus and Physics are going to get tough, but thats all part of it.  This is my first year, and everything is so new to me.  I have no clue what my major is going to be.  I am thinking about Accounting, Aviation Technology (Air Traffic Controller), or Management.  It is such a hard choice. :confused:

I think i am gonna major in accounting. I wanted to do programming, but too many programming jobs are going over seas, so I figure the gov't will always get theirs.

I am loving college. Girls, parties, more girls! what more could you want!

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 2:53 am
by cdalemx301
Start classes tommorow...3rd school 3 semesters long story but much happier now....workin on gettin into the Criminal Justice program but I applied late and it was full they only take 25 people so im hoping by january i will be able to get in...seeing as how i will get paid more with a degree in the field im going into lol we will see and good luck to everyone this year

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 3:55 am
by 250rmike
i was suppose dto go back but i got busy and totaly forgot to sign up. give me time to work and pratice alittle before next season though

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 3:58 am
by jesshamner
Well, I'm back at it again....for the 5th year:rolleyes: This is my second week. I'm pretty sure that Weight Training class is going to be easy but Swimming for Fitness is a killer. I'm a good swimmer but ****!!! Then I have a class that doesn't start until October which is Hurricanes. It will be ok but a lot of busy work. Then I have Environmental planning. That class will be a challenge but not too hard. I also have French, Astonomy, Geology, Geology Lab, and Professional Preparation. All those classes add up to only 17 hours. I'm going to have more trouble keeping everything organized than doing all the work. This was supposed to be my easy semester!