If you are part of this....read!!

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#11 Post by jcv440 »


As long as I can make the H/M ride on the 17th, I'll be bringing my laptop with me. We'll hook it up and fix it for ya. I'm 70% sure I'm going. Looks like I'll be bringing the X440 though if I go.

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#12 Post by JBBSPEED »

Drbowtie... all I can say is I do not like you..... You want a piece of history so you can just say you owned one.... thats too bad.... I would rather say I own and ride a quad being built in the USA today. ... Go buy a Jap quad and sell your Cdale.

DangerRanger... you are right some parts are way over priced. We need a cross reference for parts so as to not get caught up in the price gauging.

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#13 Post by 4punksdad »

Originally posted by JBBSPEED
Drbowtie... all I can say is I do not like you..... You want a piece of history so you can just say you owned one.... thats too bad.... I would rather say I own and ride a quad being built in the USA today. ... Go buy a Jap quad and sell your Cdale.

DangerRanger... you are right some parts are way over priced. We need a cross reference for parts so as to not get caught up in the price gauging.

dude,,,,,,,,,,I happen to like drbowtie, and I think your words are a little harsh. how do you know you dont like him? have you ever met him? An apology is in order.

jcv,,,,,,,,,,,,,the may 17th ride is at my place in VA. You dont have to drive all the way to HM for this one wink.gif

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#14 Post by JBBSPEED »

Ok sure I do not know him...
So I guess I should say I do not like his post... (1) He wants Cannondale to go under. (2) He is wants to put a Jap Motor in a Cannondale?? (3) He is worried about the resale value. (4) He thinks it is not a good idea to build the best quad you can. ie..aluminum frame, fuel injected.
(5) He compared Cannondale to the Dukes of Hazzard... I will never forgive him for that one.

So 4punksdad look at it this way.. I just said I did not like him. I did not call him any names or any real insults. Trust me I may not know him but if what he posted is what he truly believes, then I stand behind my first post.

I personally do not want Cannondale to go under. I love my Speed and think it to be the best sport quad made to day second to its big brother the Blaze. I want a good company to pick them up and make more of these fine machines in the USA. I do not care as to what the resale value is because I did not buy it to resale it. I BOUGHT IT TO RIDE IT. I am not a person who goes out and make enemies and am not looking for one but that post flat out is not a good future for us Cdale owners.

I guess I am nolonger considered a ball of joy.smile.gif

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#15 Post by 4punksdad »

i see your point..........i dont think he really wants c-dale to go under. I just think he is trying to look on the bright side of things.

personally I wish harley would buy them..............then we would have an awesome dealer network.

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#16 Post by JBBSPEED »

I completely agree with you on the Harley issue. I really think they would be a great fit and we would have a bunch of astablished dealers, not some back woods shop who has unskilled labors.

Here are some more of my thought about this subject.,,, oh boy who will stop this guy.smile.gif

I think what gets me Peeed is that some people think that Cannondale is going to be the next 250R, with ever aftermarket company making parts for them.. Sorry not going to happen and then you still need to ask yourself is that better then Cannondale making it. NOPE. How many 250R would be sold today if honda still made them? I bet a **** of a lot more then are built by people with aftermarket frame/motor/and parts. Plus what does it cost to make a 250R from scratch today? Maybe $15000.00 to 17000.00 and I am talking about ever nut and bolt from scratch. Think what it would be to do the same for a Blaze/Moto... ha good luck and hope your pockets are real deep. Well we will not have to worrie about it because aftermarket companys are not and I mean NOT going to jump on the bandwagon for us. The week before the Kawi V700 came out there were adds for nerfs and pipes. It took two years for a few companys to start making stuff for us and if Cannondale goes under for good then we will be forgotten by most.

I should have worded my first post so did not come across like some personal attack on drbowtie. I do regret that but I am a hot head and say what I mean.

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#17 Post by cannondale27 »

Okay here is what I know about Harley and why I have been rooting for them.
At the time we were the closest dealer to Milwaukee.Harley Davidson ordered two bikes and one quad from us they only actually bought the two bikes.This happened early last year the check was right from Harley.Does this mean anything?Yes at the least we know they were looking.Hopefully my boss doesnt hear of this post.

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#18 Post by drbowtie »

Wow! Let me state, "Thanks Mr. Four Punks Dad!"

Secondly... It's almost entertaining to read what you said, "Dr. Bowtie is only tring to look at the bright side of things" Because you read my mind.

No hard feelings on my part for the comments... I learned a long time ago that things don't always go my way. And I can assure you being in management in a new car franchise that not everyone likes me anyways.

As far as my intentions with wanting Cannondale to go under... Uhm, they already did! Every day that goes by with no owner we have less and less of a chance to see that plant reopen. This does not bother me because I already have a Cannondale and I enjoy being the only one whom does in my area. I ride with some gentlemen that have the financial ability to ride just about anything and I like the fact that even though they wish they had a quad as fast as mine they don't dare purchase one.

What would be a better memory? To have owned a true legend! Or to own something that was reborn into an affordable profitable quad? If this thing does come back it will not be what it was! I'm certain of that. Not because it's not a great quad, but because it is not a good business plan.

The bottom line is that Cannondale motorsports is more than likely done for good. I'm sorry. So what are we going to do now? I didn't close the company... You didn't close the company... So why dislike me or my posts. Heck I bought one of these things when they were in chapter 11. If anything I had more gumption than half of you out there who already owned these things. We are all in this together and I would much rather focus on the positive things then the negative.

As far as the Dukes of Hazzard comment. It is a reference to how narrow minded people sometimes become when they don't think that anything better can ever come down the pike. As soon as you can say Booo! Honda will probably generate some type of upgrade to the 400ex and you can bet it will be a monster. Not because I like jap bikes or don't like Made in the USA... But because that's what they do!!!

I would like to have the 450 motor simply because of the dependability of the Honda name... That's all! Oh and it honks too!

I think your Hot-Head comment is not a reflection on your personality but a reflection on your frustration. Hey, don't let it get to you... Ride that thing... Have a blast... I know I will... And when it chokes and pukes (and they all do American made or not) we will all move on to the next hottest thing. If you can't look at it that way you will become so frustrated over... What? A four wheeler? Come-on, I firmly believe your life has got to be bigger than a quad!

Oh, and fourpunksdad... I am going to see my sister this summer in North Carolina and I know one thing. You and I will someday soon shake hands. I might even let your four punks play with my two girls and one punk. biggrin.gif

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#19 Post by 4punksdad »

drbowtie..............you will have to park your chevy down the street..............we dont allow your "kind" around here. ohmy.gif

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#20 Post by jcv440 »


that sounds good! Mark me down for a spot. I drove by your town this weekend on my way to Dansville......oh my what a waste! We drove down Saturday after work, got in at 12:30, woke up at 6:30 and headed for the track. Well, they canceled the race, so we got to jump back in the truck and drive 500 miles again.....not a happy camper!!!

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