micro chips in people.what do you think

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#11 Post by Smitty911 »

Originally posted by Happyboy
Only problem I have about the prophecies is how people look for events to fullfill them. I personally don't believe that this is rooted from evil but do worry about government control.

Live a good life and you will be rewarded in the end.

And be HAPPY! biggrin.gif

There are people who claim to prophecy about everything. I am skeptical at best. Biblicial prophecies that I have looked at are beyond even questioning at this point. If you would like example I can e-mail them. They are not vague or hard to understand.

Govermental control is something to worry about, but there is a underlying driving force. It would take time to give you my thoughts with supporting information if interested, we can start an e-mail exchange to keep a running track.

"Live a good life and you will be rewarded in the end."

I have told myself that thousands of times and the problems that I ran into are:

1. What is a good life?
2. Who, what, when, where, why defines a life as good?
3. Reward??? from who, what, where, when, why??

What where your answers to these questions??

Just curious, I will take the conversation offline for anyone that would like an honest disscussion.

E-mail me at John@jsmith.net



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#12 Post by cannondale27 »

Smitty put me on list of you email info.I am always interested in learning.Its a shame that most of the christian schools and churches dont stick to teaching the bible way more than they do.Seems like somehow the pomp and stuff somehow overtook the basics around here.Bible even teaches you how to eat healthy.Cant be a better guide anywhere.

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#13 Post by aroracer72 »

I think im going back to sleep and get back to dreaming were the world makes sense.....

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#14 Post by JST »

Please put me on your list also.I went to Catholic schools all my life and have some views also,but am very open to listen.

thank you.

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#15 Post by Happyboy »

I don't mind it...but how about we keep it here. smile.gif

Answers to your questions. What is a good life is really determined by your own beliefs. Its not up to me to judge you on my personal standard.

As for the "signs", its all in what you want to believe. If someone wants to see something then they will. Just look at the pictures people made out of the 2 towers when they were burning. Someone said they saw the devil and boom, we had emails floating around. We do it with children and clouds all the time, what do you see? I am not saying that you are wrong or I am right. I am just a skeptic.

If you look at the history that follows alongside the bible people have seen the "signs" for hundreds of years. Like I said, I am just skeptic. And I like to discuss (argue) this stuff. smile.gif

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#16 Post by Smitty911 »

Originally posted by Happyboy
I don't mind it...but how about we keep it here. smile.gif

I don't mind if the mods don't mind. It has been my personal experience that in a public forum people will argue just to argue. Saving face can be more important than the truth. This is not saying that you will do this but I have run up against it. No offense meant. The real question is: Will anything I say or do change your mind. If yes we can continue, if not well it would be a waste of both of our time.

Answers to your questions. What is a good life is really determined by your own beliefs. Its not up to me to judge you on my personal standard.

So good is subjective to what you alone feel is good. Logical problem???? We both have different standards so, who is right? I would submit to only God (Biblical) being good. Ex. I need some money, you have some, I take yours, me having money is good. wink.gif
We (Christians) are called not to judge others, but if someone is going against God??????????????????s commandments and we point that out, is that judgement?

As for the "signs", its all in what you want to believe. If someone wants to see something then they will. Just look at the pictures people made out of the 2 towers when they were burning. Someone said they saw the devil and boom, we had emails floating around. We do it with children and clouds all the time, what do you see? I am not saying that you are wrong or I am right. I am just a skeptic.

I agree people will see and believe almost anything, I to am a skeptic. But if you are talking about Biblical Prophecies that a whole different subject.

If you look at the history that follows alongside the bible people have seen the "signs" for hundreds of years. Like I said, I am just skeptic. And I like to discuss (argue) this stuff. smile.gif

Yes, people have been reading about the end times since the book of Revelation was written. Based on what they believed was happening. Now let??????????????????s look at some facts about the second coming. Israel was to become a country again. It had not been for almost 2000 years. In 1946 they became a country again.
Jews where supposed to return to the Promised Land. Since 1946 thousands of Jews have been and continue to go to Israel.
There will be one world order, One world religion, one world currency. Not here yet, but close. We have the technology to make a world government. Ever hear of the UN? We are continuing to give our power and rights to them. One world religion: Pope meets with Voodoo priest, Imans, spiritualist, and others cultist. All this under the banner of tolerance and understanding. This is not an attack on Catholics. One world currency: Euro maybe who knows. Alan Greenspan claimed that in the next 10 years the US dollar would be a non entity on the world currency market.

I can get the Biblical verses if you would like.

If you can get past the first line in the Bible "In the Begining, GOD." Life starts to make more sense.

I made a new page on my site that may help you understand my position. Belief

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Crickets chirping

#17 Post by Smitty911 »

Pink Floyd "Hello is anybody out there?"


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#18 Post by Smitty911 »

Originally posted by ******
I'll bite....The only problem with reading and following the Bible is that it is a "translation" of different stories.

The bible is basicly a social control. lets face it, it was a group of stories to get people to live thier lives a  certain way. Heck most people follw the King James version...hmm..can it be that the translation could be to control his people???

Some of the original documents are avalible for review. If you read ancient Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek. You can also go to sites that have them to Translate them for yourself. One is Hebrew and Greek Look up a verse, you can than get the letters in either to read. The Translations continue to improve based on our understanding of ancient society.

Social Control -- Agreed, but I would ask "Who" is in control. The Biblicial teachings go against "man" being in power to control other men. This is plain to see in any of the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John). Can anyone truly argue the Book of Proverbs as unwise or socialy invalid. (Please read before reply)

The Bible is Gods word to us. To reestablish a relationship with Him. So that we don't have to die for our sins. John 3:16

For anyone interested in more information about the bible, this site has excellent information. Christian Information click on the Christian Doctrine and read the information about the Bible. You may be surprised, I was.

I have looked at, tried, read alot about most of the different ways for man to live. Buddist, New Age, fortune tellers, cyrstals, Self-hypnosis, Scientology, etc. ALL have come up distant second to God of the Bible. When I looked at the various religions (Morman, JW's, Islam, etc.) they all try to build off what is in the Bible and than corrupt it, or add additional teaching, or secret teachings that cannot be supported Biblicialy.

The above link to CARM has great information on the Bible and Christian Beliefs. I have flashback reading the 40 Objections page.

Standard disclaimer: I am not trying to Offend, brow beat, Upset, etc. etc. anyone. I would only ask for a honest and sincere exchange of ideas. Until the Mods get tired of it.


(I ain't perfect)

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#19 Post by 61austin »

Not trying to offend anybody here but I am with ****** on this one.
Smitty in the last sentence of your first paragraph you said that the translations continue to improve based on our understanding of ancient society. You are saying there that we change what we think the stories in the bible mean. Does that mean that the bible has been taught wrong for the past hundreds of years?
It just seems that the teachings in the bible go by who interpretes them and have evolved over the years to whatever we need them to be for a certain period of time. I have nothing against what the bible says is wright and wrong I am just not a firm believer in it. Does this mean that I am going to ****? Maybe, but it still doesn't change the fact that I live my life with the same morals as the guy that goes to the bible for the answer to his every question. The only differance being that I make my own decisions.

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#20 Post by cannondale27 »

I agree also.Bible is a interpretation of writings that were chosen by human beings.As a christian we believe that the humans who compiled the Bible were guided by God.As we all know we are never perfect even with guidance.I think all that is being said is that the Bible is the BEST life guide.I am amazed by the foresight and knowledge in it all the time.

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