Hurricane we go again!

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#11 Post by haydug »

Ken, load up the dales, and family, and move on up here, our biggest problem we have are the WV faries flying all over the place.

Oh, and the mud that gets all over your bike when you ride it!

Good luck down there.

Brad Oakley
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#12 Post by Brad Oakley »

Bro - The nice thing about earthquakes is that they only last a minute or two. You'd love Salt Lake. You know you're welcome any time - Mi casa es su casa!

My prayers are with you - and everyone down there.

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#13 Post by dunnbandit1 »

has anyone heard from Kdeal since the hurrican?

Brad Oakley
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#14 Post by Brad Oakley »

Talked with him yesterday (Wednesday) afternoon. Land lines are down, but he had cell reception if he stood outside. House has a few shingles gone. The big shed lost its doors BUT THE QUADS ARE ALL RIGHT!!! He's still keeping the lights on and the food cold using his generator - but he said that gas was scarce. Might have to start siphoning from his truck. They have running water and sewer, and propane for the stove. He said his biggest inconvenience is that he has an electric water heater, and with no power, it's cold shower time!

He's been through enough of these that he even knew where to park his vehicles so that when trees fell nothing was hit - though he did have to take a chainsaw to one tree so he could exit his driveway.

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#15 Post by wanablaze »

Thanx for posting, Brad. I was affraid to ask. Glad to hear Ken is alive and well!:usa

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#16 Post by speed2424 »

Ken called me this morning (Friday). Land lines are back up again. Still no power for the hot water tank, so he has been warming water up on the propane stove. DSL is still down, so no internet for him. Gas lines, at the stations that have electricity or use generators, are a mile long. He waited in line the other day for an hour just to have a cop come tell the people in the line that the station ran out of gas. 50 miles one way, 1 hour in line, 50 miles back home & NO gas for that trip!:mad: HANG IN THERE, BUDDY

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#17 Post by kdeal »

Hey gang! I am holding up well. The power is still out, and the gas lines are still long, but we are doing good. My personal damages are minimal, and the bikes and parts stash all did well in the storm. I am writing this while on generator and a UPS, so I don't know if I will be able to respond again until things are better. I want to thank everyone for their prayers and good wishes, and I thought about a lot of you guys while I could not communicate. I want to give some special thanks to Doug, Brad, and especially Speed2424 for listening to my rants about the storm.

PS: One last thank you goes out to my Monkey Leader Derno, for without his blessing we might have all been gone.... sad.gif

RD: You know I love ya brother.......

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