Quitting Smoking

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#11 Post by haydug »

My dad smoked at least 1 pack a day for years. When I was around 16, he came home one day in a new truck. He said, "ya know, I figured out how much I spent on smokes, and if I quit, I could pay the payment on this truck", so he quit cold turkey. He was grumpy at time (not sure if because he quit smokeing or had 15 & 17 year old boys to keep track of) but he hasn't smoked to this day.
Once over it, you will gag when you walk into a smoke filled room, or jump into someone's car that smokes. Another thing, look at a smoker's car, notice the burns on the window rubber, dirty windows, and of course the smell.

Good Luck!

And, send me a remote for that collar!

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#12 Post by CDMX215 »

doug you and your brother must of drove your dad crazy he,s really gotta be laughing now knowing what your in for j/k steve as far as quitting i was smoking 3 packs a day at 40 yrs of age i quit 4 yrs ago couldn,t beleive how easily i did it i used wellbutrin for 5 weeks before i quit reducing the amout i smoked every couple of days on the day i did stop i wore the patch as a crutch for 2 weeks good luck

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#13 Post by CHAINSAW »

I smoked for a little over 10 years, and was smoking over 2 packs a day when I quit. I had tried everything just about, until I heard about "Smoke away" on the radio. I told my wife about it, and she called that night and got some.
I didnt even want to quit, but took it because she wanted me to. In 3 days I had quit... and havent touched them since. It will be 4 years come April.

Now they sell it in Walmart I saw.. and highly reccomend it. I quit in 3 days, and didnt even want to... although after the first week you will have to put alittle bit of effort and restraint in. But a month later I was happy I could taste food again, smell things I hadnt in a long time.. and realized how much everything I owned stuck because of the smoke.

It worked for me.. it might for you. I know I sound like a spokesman for them.. and if they were hiring for them, Id join! It does work, and at that time they were offering a 100% money back if you dont quit within 7 days, not sure if they are still doing that.

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#14 Post by levi550 »

Hey Steve,

Wish you well in your attempt to quit.

I just did it back in May '05, working toward a year!

Went cold turkey, after smoking for 27 +/- years.

I found that until I was ready there was no way I was going to quit. :deal:

Good luck :clap:

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#15 Post by GDITheman »

good luck. addiction sucks. i have never smoked, but have had lots of experience in quitting bad habbits. stay focused and you'll do it.

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#16 Post by dalewannbe »

How about an update 27?

Did you give up those cancer sticks yet?

Brad Oakley
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#17 Post by Brad Oakley »

BTW Steve - My cow went on that 'last ride' on the 30th. She's hanging in a meat locker right now, slowly aging. I'll see her again next week - all dressed in white butcher paper.

What I'm getting at is: if you think the steaks were good last year... Wait 'til this summer when your tongue isn't coated with all those chemicals from the cigarettes!

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#18 Post by cannondale27 »

Oh Yeah!Those were good:D
Status report.Working on it.

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