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Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 5:18 pm
by AMRsCdale450grl
Originally posted by wanablaze
Seriously though, we don't have "THE STRAIGHT GAMES" and there is nothing to keep gays from entering the Olympics.

LMFAO!!! :rotf

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 5:18 pm
by banzairx7
Judging by some of the uniforms in the winter olymipcs I thought they all ready had a "gay games"?


Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 5:34 pm
by MyCannibal
banzairx7 - not necessarilly true....You could be walking along and trip and fall and smack your head on the ground, cracking your skull, causing major bleeding on the brain killing you almost instantly.....someone could easliy be killed with 1 strike ( no pun intended ) of a bat.....and if I were to shoot someone it would be in the kneecaps first..then elsewhere for a slow agonizing death......Ok I'm gonna go check myself into the psychiatric hospital now!

Baseball bat vs Guns

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 6:57 pm
by Smitty911
Well you missed the point.

The point was that you could kill someone with almost any object.

Most mass murder victims are not killed with guns. Killing someone makes you a killer, not the method in which you do the killing.

Should we blame spoons for making Rosie O'donnel FAT?


Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 7:17 pm
by jwheat
I don't know if it was Andy or George that originally said this, but I posted it a while back after it was emailed to me. It's still good everytime I read it.

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 7:18 pm
by fixthedale
Originally posted by banzairx7
I agree with everyone but the gun one, the last part of it really. Killing someone with a gun is a much more disconnected than say killing someone with a bat. With a gun you pull the trigger done, it takes more than one hit with a bat.

Have two people get in an arguement. Imagine one scenario where there is a bat on the table between them. Now imagine another with a gun in between. In one of these scenarios the likely hood of someone ending up dead is a lot higher. Hint: it's not the one with the bat.

May be more disconnected. But it still takes some thought. I have hunted all my life and every time I have pointed a gun at a living creature I have to make a conscious decision that I myself am responsible for. If I choose to do the same with a person, I am responsible. In the scenario you mentioned above no one ends up dead if no one picks up the gun. A person has to make a decision to take a life. The gun does what it is told. There is the other option to be stupid with the gun and someone gets killed. That is the responsibility of the idiot, not the gun.

Re: Baseball bat vs Guns

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 7:19 pm
by fixthedale
Originally posted by Smitty911
Well you missed the point.  

The point was that you could kill someone with almost any object.

Most mass murder victims are not killed with guns.  Killing someone makes you a killer, not the method in which you do the killing.

Should we blame spoons for making Rosie O'donnel FAT?


Blame her parents for not practicing safe sex! Bleeech!tongue.gif

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 7:20 pm
by fixthedale
Originally posted by banzairx7
Judging by some of the uniforms in the winter olymipcs I thought they all ready had a "gay games"?

I thought the Gay Games were figure skating and ice dancing.

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 7:26 pm
by haydug
Originally posted by jwheat
I don't know if it was Andy or George that originally said this, but I posted it a while back after it was emailed to me. It's still good everytime I read it.

I thought I'd read it somewhere before!! :drink:

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 1:16 am
by azcannon
I agree with everything except the cops shooting you part, to take that one step further I would like it if the cops couldn't carry guns. I do think it would be way cool for them to carry bats though and use them to apprehend victims... I mean criminals

I guess most of them do carry batons , those are like bats - I vote for more beatings and less shootings
I own many guns so save that bit and no one will ever take them away my problem is I don't see the police as automatically qualified to carry them. Don't make me dig up that video of the officer shooting himself while giving the school classroom the " safety around firearms class".
**** that was funny
( someone please post that it was worth watching )

Bring on the angry comments- I am also a registered republican if you want some of that