Site load times

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#11 Post by ozarkdaler »

I forgot you are the mean ol' moderator lol

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#12 Post by wanablaze »

QUOTE (jwheat @ Apr 12 2007, 05:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I get to peek in that forum anyway! tongue.gif

Hey now, don't go telling everyone what's in the secret "Derno" forum. unsure.gif

Or whom we are speaking of in there.... ohmy.gif

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#13 Post by ozarkdaler »


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#14 Post by Happyboy »

QUOTE (cdalerider75 @ Apr 13 2007, 06:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am sure I am a hot topic in that forum... time to clean up shop!!

Man you got problems. That forum rarely even gets used. And for you to think we would spend our time talking about you? ha!

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#15 Post by jesshamner »

I think 75 is right about the cookies. I was talking to Jaybr last night about it. I deleted my cookies and everything seems to be working ok so far. The site would let me log in but when I tried to go to the forum index, it would ask for my password again. No matter what username and password I put in, it wouldn't let me log in. So I deleted the cookies and re-entered my info and it worked.

How many of you that are having problems are also using IE7?

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#16 Post by ozarkdaler »

I had problems in the past with this on IE7. This is not the only site I had issues with. I upgraded to IE7 on my desktop and that is when I started having problems on here. I then went to my laptop and was having no problems.

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#17 Post by cannondale27 »

IE7 here also.Ever notice when automatic updates go out we have problems with site?Was a update I recieved day before site went down and another one just a few days ago.Is the slow speed constant for you guys or just once in awhile like for me?

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#18 Post by ozarkdaler »

once in a while for me

I have a project here in Nashville doing EVDO for Sprint and that is some of my problem to. I have there air card and I am constantly getting a new prl

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#19 Post by Derno24 »

The Derno forum who is that? I bet he is one cool customer. biggrin.gif

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#20 Post by jesshamner »

Its not really slow for me. Slow is ATVscene or EXRiders.

I thought my problems were solved but I had to log in again tonight. Not sure if its the website, IE7, updates, or a combination of all of them at this point.

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