School Blows

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#11 Post by kdeal »


Go for it! Two cheeseburgers and a beer!

I can't add much on what is said above. I make a very nice salary without a college education, but I am the exception not the norm. Unless you are in a skilled trade or the arts that does not usually require a degree, I think there will always be a glass ceiling financially. I have done the trade school thing, the Computer Science specialized course thing but here I am still doing the same thing I have been doing for over 20 years. The money and perks are too darn good. But, these times are a changing and it will not last forever. I am seriously considering going back to school for a new career after this one fades. I love working on bikes as a hobby, but wouldn't want to do it full time unless they were all mine. It gets boring working on other peoples bikes, especially when they are junk. People just want them to run, they don't care that the wheels are going to fall off.

Go with your heart, not somebody else's sob story. Good Luck!


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#12 Post by RonDK »

I believe that I have self-diagnosed myself over the past years. After reading up and researching, I am almost positive I have OCD. The brilliance, however, is that I have used it to my advantage in school. I am constantly thinking about consequences, events, or anything that can come out of normal everyday activities. This has expanded my capacity to pay attention at an amazing rate. I can remember 20 character passwords from 8 years ago. I can remember just about anything someone says to me. That's why I get good grades. To be honest, it's just the fact that I can remember every bit of info in every class that helps me on my tests. The downside is that EVERYTHING stresses me out. For example, my work parking lot is really crowded. Let's say I saw an open spot at lunch time and took it. Well, as the day progressed, I would think "Well, maybe that was someone else's spot." Then it would escalate to "Maybe he will be mad at me for taking it." Then I would think about how disrespectful it is since he works here much longer than I do...and ultimately, I would get the idea that I could even be fired at work. I know it sounds stupid but it is what it is. It's the way the mind works. Even when working, I will check a bolt or something sometimes 3 times. You get these horrible ideas that the car will be in a wreck and it was all my fault. Multiply that by the 15-20 cars a day. Then take into account the way teachers "push" college and being successful. With OCD, its like a crazy jail you are stuck in and everything is a lose/lose situation. That is why I HAVE to do homework, or I HAVE to pay a car off. Simple things that are not completed make me think of horrific consequences. This is the reason I am so worked up over college and such. Before, I was stressed over school, but when I got home, that was all I was freaked out about. Now I have to think of all my customers, my future, my car payments, blah blah. Most people have to do this also, but the way I do it is way extreme and there is noting I can do about it. Whether this is a blessing or a curse, I will continue to tough it out. The competitive aspect of being able to conquer OCD and stress keeps me motivated. I think I handle myself just fine and that is why teachers that tell me what I can and can't do upset me. They don't know me and they don't know how I work. I take on much responsibility for my age and I love it.

By the way, thanks for the influence. I was sort of hoping I would read what I just did.

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#13 Post by Nickc711 »

Come on its not that bad! I learned that when you stress out you just make yourself stressout more. IM not saying sit back and have a beer but just take college as an experience..what sucks for me is the first two years is im staying at home. mad.gif hey more time to work on my dale...although an apartment rebuild would be fun also. And if you hate it that bad do something else..dont waste the rest of your actually taking up engineering b/c i could incorporate the the fact that im good in school but still my real work skills. I dont plan on sitting behind a desk my whole life..and if i am well I probably went insane a long time ago. I plan on continuing my education in welding if i have to teach myself..That in my mind is "well rounded" the thing i dont like about colleges is that they try to make you like everyone else in college. that is their def of well rounded

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#14 Post by CannondaleRider »

I can't, personally, speak about College professors...but, High School teachers are nothing but glorified babysitters, from my experiences. Like you said, they have no common sense, and usually throw in a bias of some sort....whether a certain way of doing things, that may not work for you like it does them, or a STRONG Political bias. I KNOW that many Colleges are politically biased.

I decided, early on, that I would not go to college. I've considered trade schools, but I've swayed away from that as well. Main reasoning for swaying away from even trade schools, is that I am lucky enough to be a business partner, with my father. I know what your thinking - "Owe, he's just mooching off of his dad, and calling it a partnership" - You can believe that if you'd like, but we are business partners, through and through.

Sounds to me like your personality - which is, in a way, similiar to mine - would be a shoe-in for entrepreneurship. Seems like you have a mind for solving problems, creating successful ideas, and coming up with unique things that can push you to extremly high levels of success(and paychecks). Like me, it seems you will never be content with having a boss, being told what to do, being told what not to do, being told when to show up, being told when you'll need to stay......overall, really being told anything, other then how YOUR business is going. I'm guessing being your own boss, would be something you would rather accomplish.

I could be wrong......but I'm doubting that very seriously.

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#15 Post by Nickc711 »

If you think hs teachers ar opinion pushers...professors are horrible.

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#16 Post by jesshamner »

Its different everywhere you go. There are some pretty pushy professors though. I loved proving them wrong. It was such a good feeling. ph34r.gif

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#17 Post by Psychosis »

I'm not the only one fedup w/school and such it looks like, lol. I started a topic a few weeks ago but b/c the school itself was worthless. Now I'm in leave from there and making $250+ a day as a contractor for a couple companies. And I actually rather enjoy it. Listen to the guys on here though. Could've saved me some time and annoyance from happening if I had in the first place.

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#18 Post by RonDK »

I had my heart set long ago, I just have doubts sometimes. To be honest, whether everyone told me to go to college, I wouldn't anyway. I WILL prove everyone in school wrong and I can't wait to see the looks on their faces. It's all a matter of time. From working with so many different people, almost everyone in my area knows me. I have plenty of connections and plenty of people to help me get the roots firmly planted. I have a grin on my face just thinking about the challenge of competing with those who go to college. I refuse to be taught by someone that thinks they are a superior. If I want to be crammed in a room full of people and listen to a moron, I'll just go on a chat room tongue.gif (or on bahhhahah)

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#19 Post by RonDK »

QUOTE (Nickc711 @ Nov 15 2007, 02:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Come on its not that bad! I learned that when you stress out you just make yourself stressout more. IM not saying sit back and have a beer but just take college as an experience..what sucks for me is the first two years is im staying at home. mad.gif hey more time to work on my dale...although an apartment rebuild would be fun also. And if you hate it that bad do something else..dont waste the rest of your actually taking up engineering b/c i could incorporate the the fact that im good in school but still my real work skills. I dont plan on sitting behind a desk my whole life..and if i am well I probably went insane a long time ago. I plan on continuing my education in welding if i have to teach myself..That in my mind is "well rounded" the thing i dont like about colleges is that they try to make you like everyone else in college. that is their def of well rounded

No can do unsure.gif That's the thing with this OCD crap. No matter what you do you can't escape the stress, it comes with the package. It's like telling a kid with ADD to pay attention or telling a person with Tourettes to be silent. Sure, you want to stop, but if I could-I would. However, the truth is that it is inevitable that I will have stress. It's a fact of life for me and I accept it, what else is there to do.

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#20 Post by Nickc711 »

QUOTE (RonDK @ Nov 16 2007, 10:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
No can do unsure.gif That's the thing with this OCD crap. No matter what you do you can't escape the stress, it comes with the package. It's like telling a kid with ADD to pay attention or telling a person with Tourettes to be silent. Sure, you want to stop, but if I could-I would. However, the truth is that it is inevitable that I will have stress. It's a fact of life for me and I accept it, what else is there to do.

i really think add, ocd and all those supposed mental illnesses are total bs, just b/c you have trouble paying attention or stress out alot. It doesnt mean you have a illness, i bet i stress out just as much as you, do i have ocd... well if i was stressed out and went to one of those over payed couch potatoes, he would probably tell me i have ocd, or i cant pay attention in school so i have add. They are on the same level as lawyers, the scum of the earth.. If i was a dirtbag like that i could probably say that everybody is ocd, b/c we all obsess about something, all have stress, and all feel anxiety, look at all the people on this forum, are they all ocd b/c they are on here every day, well if they seen a shrink, they would be.They would they get a nice big shot to relax them
thats just my opinion.....i dont care what you have. if you try hard enough you could over come it...

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