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Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 10:58 pm
by thedeatons
That is unfortunate that his personal rebuild didn't work out....

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 11:33 pm
by Yellowrocket440
Just like very body else has said, call Dave and just ask him straight up.. ive bought tons of parts and items from him this year.... He has bent over backward for me to get things shiped and even gave me great deals almost to the point of him not even making no money to speak of... Thats just the Kind of guy Dave is... All my dealings are great and regret free!!!!!

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 1:48 am
by wanablaze
Please read all of the posts above mine. I'm sure Dave didn't come on here and ask anyone to stand up for him.

I've dealt with Canniboomer many times in the past. He is a very busy guy. He does the Cdale stuff as a hobby. Dave has another day job, too. I'm sorry if some things got put in front of your quad. I'm sure my stuff is one of the things that got put in line before yours (I ordered a battery for my dad's quad from Dave and was looking to have it by this weekend so that we could get it on the dyno).

I can understand your impatience, my quad was down for quite some time while I was waiting for a rebuild (over 2 years...). My advice to you is to wait as pateintly as you can and ask Dave directly if you have any questions. But please do not drive him mad, we need him laugh.gif ! Although it won't be instantaneous, the rebuild will be worth it.

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 3:13 am
by cool_dude_dotcom
I have talked to on the phone and he keeps saying hopefully this time or maybe this weekend but i know his other cabbin flooded when all that rain came through here in the north west. He is probably workin on that now. I'm not trying to cause any problems, It just seems like a long time with ot the thrill of going fast and carvig the dunes. When i first started looking for someone to do work on my quad everybody on here refered me to Dave. He seems like a really nice guy And evey time i talk to him it sound like he has a lot going on. So thanks for your input, maybe he is just toooo busy so i guess i'll keep waiting.

but i wana ride mellow.gif


Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 3:36 am
by funmachines
Like everyone else said Dave is a quality guy. He has helped many of us and you should feel lucky to have him work on your machine. It will be done right and will be better/more reliable than when it was new.

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 4:00 am
by cool_dude_dotcom
This is my first dale, I guess they just take time. I'll have to get used to that cus i want to keep it. You guys really have respect for boomer. I't all good i guess i jumped the gun.

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 4:07 am
by Canniboomer
Ahhhhh, to be young again!..... I only wish. I was impatient also.

The unit was up and running over the weekend, and all is tidy with no leaks.
But it's still not quite ready, and I'm not ready to pull together the worklist. Some attachments need to go on, and it's not hot-starting very well, yet. A tweaking session is planned soon, so "HOPEFULLY" this weekend will put an end to your turmoil. But I am a bit hesitant now to say very much -- some 20-year-olds cannot actually hear words like "soon", "maybe", "hopefully", and "I'll try". My own 20-yr old son sure doesn't!, so you are not alone in that regard. I wish this job would have gone faster for you.

Anyway, look for my email within "days" (another nondistinct term).
This "should" be a Merry Xmas for you, and maybe we can all get some riding in. wink.gif

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 4:31 am
by cool_dude_dotcom
Ha ya im trying to be more patient. Somehow you old foke.... tongue.gif can get you jollys out of use youngins with words like those. My dad is retired and if he don't get something done today he says there is always tomorrow, but ME it seeme like i can't get enough done in one day but at the same time my days seem to drag on and on, i don't knoe if that makes much sence or not but it kinda does to me huh.gif

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 6:09 am
by Dachshund
LOL, Crap, I feel old now.

Sure it makes perfect sense to me----I remember not that long ago..................

I've never dealt with Dave but I have to say these guys that never quit on these things have my utmost respect. I get excited when I see all the new things these guys are working on. We as riders have it really good especially since we have no factory to back us up.

Hang in there grasshopper.