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Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 12:56 am
by Nickc711

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 2:01 am
by Cbull1
dont laugh too hard on this one.. cause its kinda sad on the scenario....but since were on the subject of broken bones .. i was testing out a new map, and a fresh motor....ended up losing grip on the clutch side... accelerating pretty good in 3rd...ended up flying backwards still holding onto the bars with my right hand...ended up pinning the throttle accidentally in the process....fell off the left rear of the bike... landed on the tire...tire launched me up into the air...i grabbed a hand full of tether and shoved the bike as far away from me as i could... flew through the air....and landed on my left writst with all my weight ( just 150lbs ) and broke my wrist completely...i too this day still have problems and pains...and this happened in 05...but i wish mike a good recovery!!..

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 4:12 am
by Happyboy
good luck man.

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 5:08 am
by aroracer72
i broke both bones in my lower right leg on this jump.......and still have a rod and screws in my leg and am back doing this jump again......if you get scared by a few broken bones then you miss out..glad to hear your okay and this didnt phase i always tell everybody....the pain and months down is microinconveniencing in contrast to the decades of fun this sport will bring me.