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Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 4:28 am
by 2002CannondaleMoto440Racer
Thank you man. I will try to make a smart decision. I have to, I don't have mch left here for me anymore. I know being so far away from home will suck, but I am going to move away from my parents when I'm done with my training and stuff anyway so I'll be in the US, but I won't be living with or by my parents anymore. I just want to get a new life, I hate my life that I am living and somedays I wake up and I just want to hang myself or go kill myself because I feel so miserable with myself and the way my life is going. I'm very poor and I have no job, can't get a job and I can't afford to support myself or pay my debt and bills. I dunno what else to do

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 11:32 am
by cannondale27
Another option is just to move. There are jobs out there but probably not where you live. Pack light like only what you can carry and get away. Look for $8hr jobs just to get to the next place. Heck plenty of people go across whole country on a bicycle even. It can be done and would be a adventure for sure. If looking for $ I have heard ND is where the big oil boom is going on but you may find a much better place to live.

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 1:26 am
by Dachshund
That is a good point, Steve. Economically, Texas is the best state right now.

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 2:20 am
by UpsMan
Why do you keep talking about killing yourself? That is not cool. I have had a lot of rough times during my life but I NEVER considered that. Never. Death is forever, and despite what the stupid muslims think, you ain't going to be getting any virgins on the other side. Only maggots. So please quit talking about it, it is not an option.

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 4:38 pm
by peterock
You know what, maybe you should join the military. Then you can travel over to some of these 3rd world countries and see how bad life can really be. No matter how bad you think your life is right now, there are millions of people living every day to the most that have it a lot worst then you do.

sorry I don't play the sympathy card. Heck, you are sitting here complaining but you still have access to a computer and the internet. Must not be that bad.

The longer you sit there and play the "poor me" card, the longer life is going to suck. Get off your a** and get out their and become a productive part of our society. Opportunities are out there, you just need to look harder and look places you haven't thought of before. Even if it's McDonalds for now, it's still a job and a step in the right direction.

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 6:46 am
by Crazie
For those who say "Join for the right reason"......

What exactly "IS" the "Right reason"?

I spent a happy 8 yrs in the Army. When asked why I joined, my reply is and always has been, "Because I wasn't ready to go to college, and I was tired of school".

The "Right reason" is different for everyone, and once you get in, your reason could change drastically. I absolutely loved the Army and would still be in if it weren't for my knees. I'm a big guy, and no matter what I did in life my knees were eventually going to crap out on me, because I play hard.

The Military is a wonderful thing, and it helps people who are sometimes lost to find a way.

Also, I don't recommend joining the Infantry, specifically for the reasons the others mentioned, you will be trained for that's all you will know. If that is something that you feel you would like, go for it. But keep in mind there are very few jobs in the civilian world that the Infantry will train you for (Think Security or Law Enforcement at best). What do you want to do when you get out?

I was an Electronic Technician and was able to work on some really cool stuff. I was deployed to potential hot spots, but never in any real danger. This doesn't mean you will experience the same thing, but very few people as a whole ever experience combat. Most just witness the aftermath.

People join every day for different reasons - College money, steady job, retirement @ 38, get away from the ex wife (Seen it personally), stay out of trouble, etc. They are all good reasons.

The "Reason" will get you in the door, the "Purpose" will find you eventually.

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 5:55 pm
by glen
I agree, each person must figure out their reasons for joining or not joining the military and none of them are right or wrong. I joined the army national guard in 2003 for the college money as well as to get in better shape and I to this day don't really know all the reasons that made me sign up. I have deployed to both Iraq and Afghanistan and participated in the hurricane Katrina relief effort. I am about to get out and I am really happy to be done but if I had the choice I would do it all over again. If you are worried about danger, want to eat good food, and not get yelled at as much then join the Air Force. If not then just find a job in the army that you can use those skills in the civilian world. Trust me, even if you are not infantry you will still get plenty of combat training and all that good stuff. As for money, yeah you will get that in the military but you will work hard for it. I personally am 25, about to start my last year of college and have no debt had plenty of money for fun while in school. I have an 02 Speed, 02 dodge 4x4 Cumminn, and an 87 Porsche 944 turbo all paid for by my military service. Good thing about the national Guard is you can go to college while you are in and they just call you up when they need you to deploy.

Anyhow I will stop rambling, good luck with whatever you decide to do and keep in touch

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 3:53 am
by UpsMan

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 8:22 am
by Crazie
QUOTE (UpsMan @ Jul 31 2010, 08:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

That makes two of us!

Hopefully the guy is just putting feelers out in as many places as possible and trying to "Fit in" with that particular forum.

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 11:44 am
by MX Quad Dad
well that may be part of his problem. when you try to fit in, it useally involves a few lies or at least stretching the truth.

I would say there is no need to try and "FIT IN" here. I believe there are non-dale owners on this site and some that were here before they owned a dale and most recive the same curtisy as the as the full scale cannondale addictt. a little respect here goes a long way