W. Va quads get roll bars!

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#11 Post by CANNIBALKID »

i'd say your right on quad per person. but i think some states would have more quads in their state. which seems like they would have a higher death rate. buts thats not the case. so my question is why do we have such a high death rate?? well almost every time a read about one of these death's in our paper they all have one thing in common. the rider did not have on a helmet on. people need to start focusing on saftey a little more to get this number down. people seem to think just because their on a 4x4 quad they dont need a helmet. which i think is ok if you just doing some yard work or puttin around on a trail. but not wide open bustin a$$ through the woods.

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#12 Post by thomez »

Yes I have noticed that not many people wear helmets down there.

Another reason for the higher death rate would have to be the terrain - nobody has hills quite like WV.....

Makes for great riding but you are right, safety needs to be the concern!

But then people complain about a helmet law! I call it natural selection!

But I don't want to pay their medical bills either! Wear the helmet!

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WVa rules

#13 Post by motorider68 »

I live in WV, but I have to say that it is stupid trying to put roll bars on and ATV. If the drunks around here would quit drinking and riding and taking there whole family with them when they ride (on the same quad) LOL, just idiots. I can tell you a story of a guy, this was back in like 98 when the 400ex's just came out infact it was the first on I had saw in person, but anyway I was on my dads trusty 400 foreman and climbing some hill down the road well this guy was there barely able to spin donuts in the sand and grass. Well we were climbing this hill...nothign to big but you can tell this guy just couldn't ride to good, well what did the idiot do he stopped at the bottom and picked up his g/f and then tries to climb it. He had it but i guess he got scared and stopped right at the top, we all know what happened next, he and his g/f went rolling to the bottom. The foot peg cut her leg down to the bone and like 2 weeks later my sister saw the guy at the store and his g/f had to have her leg amputated. Now neither ofthem had a helmet on or anything. It just goes to show much people can be such idiots. It really makes me mad. I think everyone should were a helmet and I know people in the county that i live in that as great as the hatfield mccoy trail system is they didnt want it cause they can't go drink and stuff while on it and they have to wear a helmet. So it took it like a year or two longer just to get voted in this area even though they already had the rights to the land. Keep in mind that was politians, not to mention the locals that didnt want it cause they can't drink on it. This is just a touchy subject with me. had to vent a little on the people that live in this state and how they ride...makes me sick. thanks for listening.

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