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Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2004 3:53 am
by haydug
OH NO, attack of the 3 stooges. smile.gif

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2004 3:54 am
by thomez
.... this says it all right here....

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2004 3:56 am
by tjusa
we are all waiting for updated pics of the project bike !!!!!!!! and he comes up with that thing:mad:

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2004 4:02 am
by USAMoto00
Good point TJ! Just another good reason to BAN him. His own site even. Blastfamy! (how do you spell that anyways?) I'll poke you in the eye, don't you 3 stooge me!:deal: :cry: :rotf Unreal, I can't even believe that! The only excuse would be IF you got a FULL sponsor and it was GIVEN to you. Start explaining pal.....

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2004 4:06 am
by jfarrar

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2004 4:12 am
by USAMoto00
Talk about a brain fart! Duhhhhhhh..:w: :eek: :mad:

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2004 4:20 am
by thunderwolf
Ban him!!smile.gif

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2004 4:24 am
by thunderwolf
I just read his new sig, he definately needs to be banned.:confused:

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2004 4:27 am
by haydug
OK, boy I knew I was gonna get heat over this, but man, you guy's are brutal!!

One of the main reason's for buying this bike is to build it and try to get it in a magazine for testing. We are actually trying to get a mag to cover the group ride. BUT, everytime you mention cannondale, noone wants to hear about it. SOOO
I figure when I get this bike done, my KTM quad should be done as well. So if and when I can get a test of some sort than the old trusty dale will be there so they can compare it with the latest and greatest.
I am trying to build my business, and getting a bike that your business built in a mag will do wonders for my aftermarket sales, however I have gotten nowhere with the dale alone, so I'm going about this a different route. Even houser doesn't want to keep making a-arms for this bike, and I sell a ton of them. They are scared of making a batch of 10 and not selling them. That is why you read on the post, I have to buy 5 sets of +1 arms to get them made.
If you come to the next few races, you will see I'm still racing the dale. I actually just finished another mx bike to have a spare. And, just had a billet crank overnighted to me for my moto, so if I were giving up on the cannondale, then yes, dog all you want, but this is a business decision that I must make.
I have posted other pictures of my bikes, as I have a few other brands, but **** I didn't expect this.

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2004 4:28 am
by USAMoto00
Wait a minute! "Cannonale Riders"??? And this is the Owner/operator of this site??? The SHAME!