Places to ride!!

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#11 Post by tjusa »

less than a month to go for this event .just wandering if we are going to see many cdales up here ?? Hey timbo did u get the beast back together i finaly got out on the trails this weekend but had to ride with my buddy with his new 450r he kept up ok :confused: for a honda tongue.gif

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#12 Post by timbomoose »

All back together.About an hour before I was going to leave for the group ride the crank went,so I scrambled and took it apart and put it back to stock for the group ride and had a blast.I'm going to try to get it back to a 465 in a couple weeks if I have time,but of course I'll have to go to great trails at majestic a few times in the next couple weeks.Sorry to hear you had to ride with a

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#13 Post by tjusa »

well the hondu tongue.gif didnt do to bad Lol ya u guys should try and make it over on the 29th this month cheerleader benifit ride smile.gif im going to set up the pressure washer for them to wash the bikes should be good time !:head: :usa

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#14 Post by danyeo »

I have the 12th on my calender and am planning on it. Would be nice to ride with some other Dales since i missed the big group ride down in VA. Probably going to try and come up on Friday the 11th.

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#15 Post by tjusa »

hey danyeo good to here from ya there should be a few of us cdales up at our place that weekend is derno coming with ya ?? Sorry to see you not making the trip ****** well maybe your bike will be done and u can come up. it is turning out to be quit a event . ill post a address tommoro if u want to send donation to his family we have received alot of donations that we are going to be chancing off at the ride to raise money for him .

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#16 Post by tjusa »

Ok here is the address if you would like to make a donation to jake and his family
Martin Palicka
5151 Front ST
Jenners PA 15546

If any one has any thing the would like to donate to be chanced of at the ride they can send it to me and i will make sure it gets marked with you name and raffeled off
Joe Fitch
506 Third Ave
Johnsonburg PA 15845

we have already received alot off great stuff for this event to be raffeled off and of course 100% is going to Jake !:clap:
So far we got about 10 Cdale in the group

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#17 Post by tjusa »

only a week till this ride !!! the resonse over this ride has been great were looking at about 300 or more comming and we have been groming the trails and got the track in great shape my step mom been on the dozer every day !! She loves that thing :head:would be great to see some of the cdalers show up !! hey Thomaz you still bringing your gang over ?? And Dan get your bike up to scotts and well see if we can get it together by friday :head: if he gets all the parts it will be ready !!!!!!!!
Leric are u and your dad comming ??

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#18 Post by tjusa »

RIDE WENT GREAT !! only two cdales though :cry: but we did raise about 2600 for jake i posted in places to ride and there is some pics over at pa atving .com under majestic trails thread and a big thanks to scott at champion for the donation :head: :usa

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