ATK says Zero Failures on the New ATK/Dale

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#11 Post by thomez »

Frank why don't you share what you are doing for the crankshaft problems so that you will have someone to sell that mountain of parts to.

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#12 Post by TheJaspMan »

One thing I think everyone really needs to remember is that Frank White has a business to look out for. I've got to be honest, I am amazed that a man of that responsibilty even has time to read these forums. It's nice to know that he does, but should never be expected.

The 'secrets' and 'R&D' should NEVER be discussed on an open forum. This man owns a company trying to survive in a world of Honda, Suzuki, Kawasaki, KTM and others. Plus Dinili now has a working proto type of the Cdale, they showed it at Indy.

So why would ATK ever want to provide ANY kind of information that a direct competetor could use to make a better product? They wouldn't. So sometimes we have to wait and see. That's called patience.

Do we really need to know what is being doen to solve a problem anyways? No, sometimes we just have to wait. And what that's called is 'trust'. We have to trust that the proof is showing itself through Jeff winning at Sparta. Through Frank White even looking at these forums still. And the fact that sometimes you just have to wait and see.

If you can't afford to wait, or can't wait in general then go buy something else. Once again: sell it, park it or ride it. Those three things solve all problems. There are lots of 'old timers' who are selling their Cdales. A few veeeery recently. They have realized that those three choices are the other three that work.

ATK owes us nothing. Nor does Frank White. NOTHING. In fact I would rather all the trade secrets and R&D be kept private. That insures that our Cdales and future ATK's will be the best. They will continue to be cutting edge. And they will be unique.

I mean after reading some of these posts lately; some people are making us as a group look like we are trying to put pressure on Frank White personally to provide answers to our defunct quad parts. Just becuase he is trying to produce a future quad does not make us his step-children. In the end we are on our own. And maybe, just maybe he will assist us. But in reality he could change the entire engine that goes into these quads and never produce that style again if he chose to. What would we do then? And would you blame him? It's his company, he is simply trying to feed his family not keep our 'out of business, bankrupt, broken down' quads running.

I know it sounds all 007, but don't think for a second that it doesn't happen.

That's just my .02$ this morning. Just think about it.

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#13 Post by JeffQuadShop »

Ok, for the record....the ATK I'm racing now is the same one I've been racing since October (I only have one quad to race, practice and play on). I have not had one single motor problem yet. The valves have not even needed adjustment. All the little quirks that I had with the Blaze I had are non existant on this ATK! :clap:

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#14 Post by Derno24 »

Jasp I agree with you a little, but when Frank bought the remaining parts it was published in his own words that he will provide parts for Cannondales for years to come! Not my words his. So yes we are his step children and yes he does have a small responsibility to us. When you make bold statements you have to back them up.

As for product information. I for one am a firm believer you want to know pick up the phone and call. If he wants to sell me a motor upgrade than I want to know what is being done. Not just trust me. That doesn't work for any business. If he wants to sell quads then he should be willing in a phone call to explain what improvements were made to the exsisting quad. That is called good business.

I don't think anyone is putting severe pressure on Frank, but are interested in seeing what direction our quads will be taking. I do believe as a consumer he would want a loyal buying base of riders!

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#15 Post by TheJaspMan »

I can see we can meet in the middle on this.

I guess I am little overly cautious about trade secrets. I know first hand what's it's like to lose a lot of money to sneaky basterds who take the little bit of info you provide and make $$$ off it. It has happened to to me two or three times over the years.

I am also just a firm believer in the 'low-pressure' enviroment.

However I agree he needs to back his words up. But at the same time has anyone on these forums really spent any sustantial amount of $$$ with ATK yet?

Besides yourself, who else has purchased a 2004 ATK? I have gotten a few small things from them directly. But nothing that would even make me consider myself a retail value to his company.

I guess my main point is that all things take time. And no matter what he may have said some things do not need detailed or specific answers. You yourself have stated that in recent posts when people were bitching about the unknown. I do not remember the exact discussion, but I can recall the response you had. It was along the lines that we 'all have to wait and see'.

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#16 Post by TheJaspMan »

Dern, I must have gotten cross post. Part of my comments was mis stated about buying the 2004 model. Sorry about that. I didn't want to edit it in case you had already seen it. :mad:

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#17 Post by Derno24 »

Like I said Jasp you and I agree on somethings. I think we are on the same page though. I don't expect Frank to tell me how they put it together, but saying we increased the oil pressure or something of that nature would be good on both fronts. I agree we are small potatoes, but with a good core of guys who already love this machine if it can be proven that atk is on the right track I'll be in line for one soon! That was what I was getting at. No harm no foul Jasp.

I agree that somethings need to be waited on, but I was meaning people speculating doesn't help and neither does the I know something I can't tell thing.

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#18 Post by TheJaspMan »

Originally posted by Derno24
Like I said Jasp you and I agree on somethings.  I think we are on the same page though.  I don't expect Frank to tell me how they put it together, but saying we increased the oil pressure or something of that nature would be good on both fronts.  I agree we are small potatoes, but with a good core of guys who already love this machine if it can be proven that atk is on the right track I'll be in line for one soon!  That was what I was getting at.  No harm no foul Jasp.  

I agree that somethings need to be waited on, but I was meaning people speculating doesn't help and neither does the I know something I can't tell thing.

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#19 Post by Derno24 »

Thank you for the review. I was waiting on some of the people with ATK motors to step up!

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#20 Post by Derno24 »

Cool. Keep us updated on your motor. I am sure alot more people will be looking to have motor work done in the coming months!

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