Cool Pics I found on the net

Fox Mulder
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#11 Post by Fox Mulder »

Last one

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#12 Post by CptHook »

well I cant really say much for nickg, but dont you think your acting just a little bitter about this whole thing? You can just post the pics without the little stupid *** comments, it just makes u sound like just as much a whiney *** ***** as he was being. Grow up.

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#13 Post by Ryanstones »

It's too bad that cannondale engineer didn't offer these rare and awesome parts to REAL cannondale enthusiasts before he sold them to a speculator. Anybody got pics of that carbon axle setup?

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#14 Post by TheJaspMan »

Originally posted by Ryanstones
It's too bad that cannondale engineer didn't offer these rare and awesome parts to  REAL cannondale enthusiasts before he sold them to a speculator. Anybody got pics of that carbon axle setup?

Thank God someone else was thinking the same thing!

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#15 Post by JST »


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#16 Post by Happyboy »

True, so true.

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#17 Post by Ryanstones »

OK, so if we had 20 guys go $50 each, maybe we could get Nick to not CUT them up. I really can't believe he made that threat!:mad: I'd like to say i don't care, but i do. I don't have to own them, but would sure like to see them preserved by a true fan.

Whoever gets them probably wouldn't use them anyway, so it doesn't much matter where they reside. Just a thought, maybe he'll get his ebay price anyway.

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#18 Post by JST »

I don't think it has anything to do w/being bitter.Everyone gets back what you put out.We (C-dale) owners saw a great chance to keep our dream rollin' and tried to get pumped up about seeing something that we thought was unobtainable,only to have it be in the hands of someone who does not share the same passion for what we ride.I don't speak for everyone,but this is my opinion.:w:

Fox Mulder:

Thanks for the pics!!!

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#19 Post by TheJaspMan »

It's not the price. It's the point. If his personal finances have inconvienced his life so much that he has to pay for his entire loan with two 'priceless' items he should have let someone else buy them and never gotten the loan at all. We all have personal lives and bills to worry about. I do not have time to concern myself with other peoples bills.

In the end it appears to be more of a money making deal than collection. Maybe that is incorrect. But that is the appearence. Why not sell the smaller items to recoup the cost? Wouldn't it make more sense to recoup money through smaller more common items than selling one-of-a-kind pieces?

And that comment about cutting them up is pointless. He needs the money to pay his loan. Without it he would lose more than us. So it's really his option. It would foolish, childish and show very poor common sense.

People on eBay will provide the out for him. There are collectors out there. And someone will end up with a peice of American history. Kinda like the first Indian motorcycle. But it won't be him. And that is his right and his choice. But just in case no one else is interested, I got $50 for you RS.

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#20 Post by Ryanstones »


Nick, i don't think most here begrudge you the right to do whatever you want with the stuff you own.(but cut it up!?!??!) It's yours. I also don't care how much you try to get out of it. It's a free market and i don't blame you. It's a pretty tight group, cannondale owners, and I guess some people have been put off by your conflicted posts. Are you a proud collector or just wanting to turn some pieces? You've had us a bit confused. It's obviously up to you.
I don't know who said what, when, cause i missed many of the posts, but you seem to be way oversensitive.
Some people are jerks, what can you do?
I hope you'll continue to post (i think i need some wheels).
Good luck man.

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