OT: Are you a Democrat, Republican or Southern Republican?

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#11 Post by krash »

smile.gif That was GREAT, cheered me up for the rest of the week!!!

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#12 Post by kdeal »

12 from a Sig P229 + 12 more.....or I could put the .357 Sig barrel on and up the speed a little......


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#13 Post by Ryanstones »

I am a progressive, even liberal if you prefer, but i got guns. more than 6, less than 12, i don't even know for sure.

For the average working american, supporting the Republican party is like a chicken supporting Col. Sanders.:deal:

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#14 Post by thomez »

Originally posted by Ryanstones

For the average working american, supporting the Republican party is like a chicken supporting Col. Sanders.:deal:

Amen brutha!!! :head:

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#15 Post by dunnbandit1 »

liberals should move to a communist country and leave
freedom loveing AMERICANS free
bang bang bang

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#16 Post by Ryanstones »

Radical conservatives (LOL) should remember that the CONSTIfuginTUTION applies to ALL Americans.

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#17 Post by levi550 »

Originally posted by Ryanstones
For the average working american, supporting the Republican party is like a chicken supporting Col. Sanders.:deal:

If the company doesn't make a profit, they are not going to be around to give anyone a job.

If the big brother government taxes every drop of profit....they are going to look for other places to bury thier profits, or other countries to be based out of.

eg. Canadian tax rate on corporate profit 15% less than the US. hmmm, let me think, if I were a company, where would I rather claim my profits?:confused:

Want to create jobs? Raising taxes on companies ain't the way to do it.:no:

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#18 Post by Canniboomer »

...there can be no greater calling for the chicken than to reach his full life potential in service to the Colonel!... so much better than road-kill or some fricasee at Sylvia's diner!

cluck cluck wink.gif

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#19 Post by comander420 »

"If the company doesn't make a profit, they are not going to be around to give anyone a job.

If the big brother government taxes every drop of profit....they are going to look for other places to bury thier profits, or other countries to be based out of.

eg. Canadian tax rate on corporate profit 15% less than the US. hmmm, let me think, if I were a company, where would I rather claim my profits?

Want to create jobs? Raising taxes on companies ain't the way to do it."

That's why we have lost how many job's in the past 4 years and the new ones that have been created don't pay the same. I would rather be a factory worker making $16 an hour then a taco bell employee earning $7.

I'm an american and I vote for the best candidate not a party I suggest the rest of you get some forceps and pull your head out of your a** before the next job lost is your own!!!!!
Bang Bang

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#20 Post by Cdale_racer_669 »

personally, i hate politics would rather just not be involved. so i guess im a southern republican BANG BANG BANG in the knees, do a peelout on his face on the cdale, then shove the HMF endcap up his arse and rev her to the moon!!tongue.gif smile.gif then BANG BANG BANG some more..biggrin.gif

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