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#11 Post by Derno24 »

Well I know what I was doing. I work at a television station in Philadelphia and we were doing our regular morning show when the first plane hit. We instantly went live to New York and spent the entire day watching the same images over and over. I spent 48 hrs straight working and watching what happened. I found out over the course of the day that. My uncle was in the Trade center when the plane hit and got out. Later he found out his entire office did not make it. A friend who worked at the pentagon was working when the plane hit the building. She made it out safe.

All in all I couldn't believe what had happened and it all seemed surreal. I went from 48hrs of continuous coverage to laying in a black room just so i could digest all the near tragedies that almost struck people close to me. I will always have a place to remember everyone from 9/11!:usa

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#12 Post by cdalemx301 »

somethin else i want to add to my post after reading ****** post i wanna say thank you to all those police officers firefighters and emts that stayed on exra hours and went in from all over the place to help...thank you to all for keepin our counry safe

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#13 Post by Cdale_racer_669 »

i was in 7th grade math class, the rest of the day they let us watch the TV. one of my teachers had a brother in the pentagon so she was worried. it didnt seem real to a dream. RIP 9/11 victims

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#14 Post by haydug »

Originally posted by cdalemx301
somethin else i want to add to my post after reading ****** post i wanna say thank you to all those police officers firefighters and emts that stayed on exra hours and went in from all over the place to help...thank you to all for keepin our counry safe

I don't think enough emphasis has been placed on how hard they worked through it all. It also sickens me to see the bearucrats trying to take credit away from the passengers on the plane that went down in PA. Our government has spent so much money trying to prevent this from happening again, I just would like to see everyone (democrats/republican) working together to truely cure this instead of fighting umongst each other.

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#15 Post by thomez »

Originally posted by haydug
I just would like to see everyone (democrats/republican) working together to truely cure this instead of fighting umongst each other.

:clap: this shouldn't be a political issue.

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