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Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2003 9:40 pm
by Redman
I used to deal with this. Earlier in my relationship with my wife, I used to get a lot of crap. Same stuff you guys are saying. Then I started to tell her to go out with her friends more often and I will stay home with our 5 year old son. So the minute she goes out and says "thanks for letting me" I go "just remember this when ask to go out riding." It does work for me.

As for racing, I broke my wrist in my first race with my old R. $30,000 medical bill later, she says "If I do that again she will leave me." So I guess I might have to lie to her and just say i am going riding for a couple hours. DO NOT TELL HER, PLEASE.

My wife always reminds me that "if you sold your quad, you could pay me back and pay off all your bills." I don't hear that though.

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2003 10:08 pm
by cannondale27
Yea same here.I do make out a calender at begining of year.I also bring my oldest daughter to the races as often as I can there is always kids for her to have fun with and then my wife only has one to take care of.When I first met my wife I was racing she went to all of them camping and also trailriding.Sometimes I remind her that she is always welcome and that she is the one who changed not me.It seems like it is harder for women to make friends when I go to a track within ten minutes Im talking to someone I never met.Number one problem with most women is they dont have a hobby.

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2003 12:03 am
by TricityCdale
Boy, I hear ya too. I am really quite fortunate because my wife likes to go riding and go to the long as it isn't too cold. The best thing you can do, is find some other couples that do the same thing. We go riding with about 4 different couples and it works out great because the women can go riding if they want, but more often than not, they just sit around and gossip so it allows us guys to go rip it up. However, anytime my wife wants to go riding, I don't even think about arguing. I'll let her ride all day and I'll stay back and watch the 2 1/2 year old.

I'm also fortunate because we have 2 boys (8 and 2 1/2) and they both LOVE riding. She is outnumbered and hates it. She'll ask the 8 year old if he wants to go shopping......"No way!!", then she'll ask me...."Are you crazy? Why don't you ask your sister or something?" Then she'll end up taking the youngest and he throws a fit the whole time!!!! LOL

As far as the racing goes, it is very expensive and my wife doesn't really like me spending a bunch of money on my quad, so consequently, I have to ride a fairly stock bike. I also don't argue when she wants to get her nails done, or go tan. It just gives me a little leverage.

Bottom line though is you DO have to give and take a little. Especially with kids. If you can get your kids involved that is the best thing...........cuz then you are doing it for the children!

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2003 12:07 am
by Knight440
Number one problem with most women is they dont have a hobby.

You got that right :mad:

But I can't complain mines fine with the quad thing Racing thing bothers her a little can't really blame her for that, but she knows I love riding and if I am not I tend to get a little pissy O well she like's to hear I am going so I am happy with that.

And why don't women have hobby's?

1) ATV
2) PC's
3) My 35 mm
4) My Mead telescope controled buy my sony laptop with my 35mm " anyone want to see a pic of the Moon?"
5) My Video Cam
6) Video games of all kinds PS2 Xbox Pc really can??????????????????t complain here either she would kick my A#$ in Halo she's played every level Difficulty F'n Masterchef I live with

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2003 12:27 am
by TricityCdale
That is a really good point about hobbies. We've had that discussion on a few occasions too. I just don't understand it. Actually, now that I think about it, they all have ONE hobby.....givin' us grief about OUR hobbies!:eek:

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2003 12:52 am
by Cannibal440
Good one, TriCity!

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2003 1:00 am
by dawzie
Take a LONG hard look at what is important in life. My X took up with my X best friend. I was never home, always doing what "I" wanted to do.. Yeah, it was fun, my oldest son and I did everything together. It should have been a family thing though. I missed my younger son growing up and the X had enough. Now it's eight years later. We all have moved on. I still work 60 hour weeks in the spring and summer but I make time for the new G/F and racing. NRath has some good points. Just have some CALM talks with her.

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2003 5:04 am
by JeffQuadShop
Get to bed boy!!!!! You better not be late!

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2003 3:30 pm
by Big Winky
I guess i'm one of the lucky ones myself, my boy started racing bout 6-7 years ago. i had to put up with the same complaints as most of you. then in my area of the country the industrial sector went sour (we had a fabrication business), as i was always building something for racing, afterhours, frames, a-arms and such. people started asking if i'd build this or that for there quads. so i started filling in shop time with quad stuff to survive in business. things kept getting worse in the industrial business and more demand for quad stuff, so as a way to stay in business, the business became more and more quads till it got to ALL quads, now i have a excuse to go to races anytime:D ...I have to go to drum up business! as long as she sees $$$ coming in to the business i get to go to any quad related event i wish. heck she spends so much time in the shop she's even getting good at the quad stuff too. she actually knows stuff like what a stroker crank is, even understands what injector off-set and flow rates do. she was to go to the cannondale school to learn how to work on the things till recently...we'll see what happens there. I guess I got really lucky in that she doesn't hassle me about the racing anymore and i get the added benefit of spending time with the woman i love ( which is all she really wanted in the first place) Life is good!

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2003 8:02 pm
by dawzie
Big Winky, and what bussiness are we ?? What do you make ??