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Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 1:48 am
by haydug
OH, and I how come into a corner: I try to accerelate until the last possible moment, then use my brakes to slow me before the apex of the turn. I then let go of the brakes, apply throttle (usually around 80%) then clutch it for the best traction and acceralation. Different corners will require different body positions, so practice is the key word here. If you are serious, a stop watch is a great practice partner, just don't get mad at it when it tells you that your are going slow.

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 1:55 am
by kdeal
Great advice Doug.


Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 2:14 am
by Psychosis
Wow, there's a lot of different ways you guys do this. I come in hard and hit the front brakes. Then let up and lean and use weight to throw it around and depending on how it's coming around, I might use the rear. Works great for me. I've won two races doing this exact thing coming from 2nd to 1st on one of the last turns.

Anyone else prefer the front brakes? A couple local pro guys have said they're the same but others think they're crazy.

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 2:14 am
by cdalemx301
doug thanks for clearing that up from watchin people ride and weight shifting i figured u want weight on the inside not the out...i just dnt understand how u dont flip over

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 6:04 am
by CptHook
thanks for all the advice guys, right now I hammer it into the turn then hit the front breaks right before the apex of the turn, toss the back end with my feet and then gradually come off the brake as Im gassing out of the corner, but I will try some of these other techniques and see what fits me best.

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 4:51 pm
by haydug
front brakes are 85% of your stopping power. Go out into a field, set up a cone, and get a run at it. Try to hit the cone at about 20mph. Then stop only using your front brake. Try it again with just your rear brakes. Don't be afraid of using your front brake to it's fullest potential. Who ever tries this first, please post results: I would tell you, but I want to suprise you. LOL

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 5:33 pm
by CdaleRacer0128
The body positioning is all key, as with what doug and jason have been saying practice practice practice until you can get it down the fastest. i go out to practice nights most the time just to practice on my corners.. slowest part of my riding characteristics which i usually make up on straights/rythem sections..

and doug, i tried that and ended up on my face!! lol just messin.. let me hear results too i'd love to hear..

the best thing you can do is go to your track with some pro's or A class guys, watch what they are doing.. get out there witht hem if you can, keep up for atleast behind a corner and watch their lines. its amazing how each pro can take a corner completely DIFFERENT, you will begin to learn the pro's characteristics by riding styles over their colors of bikes etc.. its a awesome way to learn how to ride.. how i have been doing it since the

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 5:52 pm
by CptHook
I wish I had a track in my area that raced quads :mad: most of the tracks in my area are for bikes only, I have been trying to convince some of my riding buddies to go to a track with me, but they all find riding a track "boring" and not worth the 2 hour trip. I will get to one someday ******.