Canondaler Hacked

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#11 Post by Ryanstones »

Q8? Can you tell us what that arabic? php board is about?

from the google results, the only common theme is that all that buttheads hacks are on PHP boards.

got a theory canniboomer?

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#12 Post by comander420 »

haydug be carefull we might be next check this out, they have hit a lot of furums, can you ever get your site back after it is hacked?

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#13 Post by Cdale_racer_669 »

ppl that do this tick me off:furious: anyone on here know alot about computers that can help prevent this site from being hacked?

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#14 Post by wistech »

I am lost in the web world but is there some way to back up the web site in the event of a hacking incedent. It would be a shame to lose all that info.

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#15 Post by Cdale_racer_669 »

i know when u make a webpage it has to be uploaded to the server, so i think u wuld be able to save everything somewhere and be able to re-upload everything. i have some knowledge, but alot of it could be inccorect lol

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#16 Post by haydug »

Originally posted by Ryanstones
what are you saying? me? cause i used caps/lowercase in my avatar?

please tell me that's not what you are suggesting.

It's well known that i'm a mac guy, and i barely know how it works!

Ryan, you SLACKER!! :hammer: I mean HACKER!

Did you get ahold of some bad stuff lately or what?? :rotf

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#17 Post by jamiesel »

I suspect that the server gets backed up regularly and when it returns, a few days of posts will be lost at most. I am sure the FBI watches this activity closely as the profile of this particular hacker group.

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#18 Post by Ryanstones »

LOL, slacker, um yea. Hacker, uh no!
Only good stuff here doug!

I hope it's no big deal to fix cannondaler.

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#19 Post by nickg »

seems to work for me...i book marked it on the forums, not the first page

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#20 Post by Ryanstones »

forums are back up. whoohoo! good job Jim!

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