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Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 1:55 am
by dunnbandit1
i hope he gets my engine finished before
he goes sad.gif

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 4:53 am
by Canniboomer
Don't worry, the old guy will do a better job after he owns the place!! smile.gif

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 6:26 pm
by Sandstorm
Originally posted by dunnbandit1
i hope he gets my engine finished before
he goes sad.gif

Don't worry Dustin doesn't work on the motors. He doesn't know how!!! LOL The judge offered Dustin two yrs in prison before the trial started by just looking at the pictures. He's gonna get in the arse. Feb 7 is dooms dooms day. (Sentencing) Can we say, a certain something is starting to pucker-up..:eek:

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 5:33 am
by Brad Oakley
I've tried to stay quiet on this whole subject. It's because I've been very close to everything since it started. I just want to come here and state that you are seeing and hearing the truth. William (last name witheld) is the 70 year old great-grandfather you are seeing in the photo. The picture was taken the day after the assault. Dustin plead guilty to felony battery charges last month and will be sentenced in February. The whole incident took place because William asked Dustin to move his car from a space reserved for the customers of William's business.

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 6:00 am
by acarli3

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 3:21 pm
by KYmxracer52
that's awful. Could he not just move:eek:


Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 4:50 am
by dvrack
The hole incident started the day Wade (I build it to blow up) was picking up his stuff after being canned, the guy came into the shop acting like a **** an spit in Dustins face after a verbal tirade hence the poke in the eye. Noticed the Wade support in this matter, It seems Wades version was told by the boys from 10speed land so I though I would chime in with the other side of the coin. Sorry if the 10speed land comment pisses anybody off but I thought it was funny.

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 6:38 am
by acarli3
I don't see where Wade's name came up anywhere in this thread until now. It appears everyone here is in support of the old guy. There is always two sides to any story.

dvarack, no disrespect but, as long as your willing to set the story I understanding from you that Wade had come to get his stuff, leaving Dustin in a foul mood since we all know it wasn't amicable, so Dustin took it out on an elderly, yet difficult customer? Is this the correct story? If so, I second KYmxracer52's comment "that's awful. Could he not just move."

Also, That picture showed more than just a "poke in the eye." And to say that Wade "builds it to blow up" is a bigger jab at Southbay since they aren't doing anything different since Wade left except take a painfuly long time to get peoples engines back to them.

Dustin plead guilty to a crime. So, unless Wade was materialy involved, bringing up Wade's name in relation to this topic seems inappropriate.

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 1:28 pm
by dvrack
The story has been told over and over again by Wade, I thought I would tell the other side. Like I said on Cdaler Dustin hit the guy he should be puished but the spit in the face was left out, does spit make it okay **** no. You don't go drop an old man. But what is the age limit on a poke in the eye? I said 50 maybe we should start a poll on max age of a poke in the eye.

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 5:25 pm
by fig
I think that if you are man enough to spit in my face your are man enough to get your tail kicked!

With that being said, Dustin should of restrained himself. It sounds like he is being punished by the laws in California.

If a vendor is not providing the service that you are paying for please let us know. This will keep us from making the same mistake. Please leave the personal attacks out of it. There is no need to make personal attacks against WWE or SBM. They are both a business, if you are not happy with the way they do business (motors fail, cost too much, wrist pins break...) inform us. State the facts, educate the rest of us so we don't waste our money. There are only two main Cannondale/ATK sites on the web (thanks Jim and Haydug), enough bad examples of unhappy customers will force business to change or go under. Like I always tell my kids "vote with your money".

I'm not asking anyone to forgive or forget, just drop the soap opera stuff.